

PSLS Level: Newbie
So I listen to a a lot of podcasts. Anyone else listen to any? I listen to them on my drive to work, the gym, and at work when I have computer or paperwork to do.

Here is what I listen to:
Channel Surfing
Congressional Dish
Hardcore History
ESPN U College Basketball
ESPN U College Football
Fareed Zakaria: GPS
IGN Game Scoop
Keepin it Reel
Meet the Press
Planet Money
Official Playstation Blogcast
Sci Fri
Stuff They Don't Want You to Know
Stuff You Missed In History Class
Stuff You Should Know
The Economist
The World Next Week
We're Alive

Yeah.....I didn't realize it was this many. lol. Let me know if you have any questions about any of the podcasts! List your own!
I used to be like that, then I started getting behind so I started cutting a lot out. My current list is:

ESPN Baseball Tonight with Buster Olney
ESPN Fantasy Focus Baseball
ESPN Fantasy Focus Football
ESPN Football Today
Giant Bombcast
Official PlayStation Blogcast
The 404

A few of mine are seasonal, so I'll throw others in there from time to time when the queue is running dry, but these are the ones I keep subscribed to year round.
PS Nation
The Thinking Atheist
Atheist Experience
Bill Maher (Very unique panel discussions)
Skeptic's Guide to the Universe
Playstation Blogcast

I used to have a list as long as Gator's and with a bunch of Stuff You Should Know stuff too.

It's just hard to fit that many podcasts in.
A few common ones I listen to are:

Player One Podcast
4 Player Podcast
IGN Game Scoop
Bad Gamers (Of course.)
Podcast Beyond
Gamers With Jobs
Super Joystiq Podcast

THuh, tat's a lot more than I previously thought I listened to.
Super Best Friendcast!! :D

They mostly discuss gaming news and sometimes share their thoughts on movies and anime.
I watch them not only because they're hilarious, but they actually seem to know what they're talking about when compared to gamers on YouTube like PewDiePie since they have had some work in the game industry and know people as a result of that.

If you've ever been on Machinima's YouTube channel they put out short gameplay videos on there every month or so as "Two Best Friends Play".

I also listen to Neil Degrasse Tyson's podcast "Star Talk".

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