Pop Culture References and Easter Eggs in Trophy Lists

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
Trophy names and requirements often have deeper and hidden meanings. Sometimes they are references to pop culture, and sometimes they are much deeper references that few will pick up on. What are some of your favorite trophies with hidden references beyond the basic trophy requirement for the game itself?

For example:
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Falling... With Style - Complete first Helicarrier jump.

This is a reference to Toy Story, where Woody tells Buzz that what he did was not flying, it was falling with style.
borderlands 2
definitely an Italian plumber - defeat donkey mong
great reference to donkey kong and mario
In Dead Space 2 there is a trophy called "clever girl" for completing chapter 3, at the end of the chapter you have a fight a group of 2 legged necromorphs that poke their heads out from pillars only to have other one ambush you from the side. This a reference to jurrasic park because it is how the velociraptors hunt and when they trick molduun he says clever girl right before he is eaten
In Dead Space 2 there is a trophy called "clever girl" for completing chapter 3, at the end of the chapter you have a fight a group of 2 legged necromorphs that poke their heads out from pillars only to have other one ambush you from the side. This a reference to jurrasic park because it is how the velociraptors hunt and when they trick molduun he says clever girl right before he is eaten
Ah I can't believe I didn't remember this one! I love that trophy reference, cause I love Jurassic Park!
No posts in 5 years, but I have to post my favorite trophy I came across recently.

"This Guy Fawkes" from The Grand Tour game.

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