(PS3) Tokyo Jungle Review


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador

Tokyo Jungle is a fun, weird and easy game to play. The game takes place in Tokyo where humanity has vanished and is no where to be found. The animals have gone wild and dominate all the land. You will play as a lot of the wild and domestic animals that you know.

This game is fun because you get to hunt, feed, breed to leave like a legacy, get older, and all of that gives you a rank and challenges to complete. When you are a Deer, is time to hide because you cannot fight given that you are only a herbivore but the things can get ugly when you are the Lion, Hyena, Dogs and cats. It is very fun to hunt down other animals with the game's system. The mechanics are easy to follow, you have hunger, life, and stamina. You have to keep a watchful eye on those because if not then you will die. Hilarious things? Watch a Pomeranian eat chicks ahahahha. But seriously the game is cool and is something different in a good way. The graphics are very dated and dont look good but the action of the game is what makes you play it.

A lot of challenges, fun and weird stuff awaits you on Tokyo Jungle.

From me it gets a solid 7/10

A secuel with more graphics, more animals and maybe more challenges will make it a very good game.

Hiding is fun
Diversity of animals
breeding, aging and feeding mechanics
Is something different
Can give you a couple of hours of fun
Currently for this weekend of Easter is only 99 cents!

Graphics are not good. They are from the PS2 era.
Not a lot of music or memorable music or effects.
The Main Menu is not very clear with the options.

NICE!!! Another review for the Community Reviews section is always welcome. This game looks like it's worthy of the $0.99 it's asking for with the sale this weekend. Might have to try it out. :)
View attachment 435

Tokyo Jungle is a fun, weird and easy game to play. The game takes place in Tokyo where humanity has vanished and is no where to be found. The animals have gone wild and dominate all the land. You will play as a lot of the wild and domestic animals that you know.

This game is fun because you get to hunt, feed, breed to leave like a legacy, get older, and all of that gives you a rank and challenges to complete. When you are a Deer, is time to hide because you cannot fight given that you are only a herbivore but the things can get ugly when you are the Lion, Hyena, Dogs and cats. It is very fun to hunt down other animals with the game's system. The mechanics are easy to follow, you have hunger, life, and stamina. You have to keep a watchful eye on those because if not then you will die. Hilarious things? Watch a Pomeranian eat chicks ahahahha. But seriously the game is cool and is something different in a good way. The graphics are very dated and dont look good but the action of the game is what makes you play it.

A lot of challenges, fun and weird stuff awaits you on Tokyo Jungle.

From me it gets a solid 7/10

A secuel with more graphics, more animals and maybe more challenges will make it a very good game.

Hiding is fun
Diversity of animals
breeding, aging and feeding mechanics
Is something different
Can give you a couple of hours of fun
Currently for this weekend of Easter is only 99 cents!

Graphics are not good. They are from the PS2 era.
Not a lot of music or memorable music or effects.
The Main Menu is not very clear with the options.

Thanks for the review, i've always been a little curious about it, but i never knew anything about the game.
Thanks for the review, i've always been a little curious about it, but i never knew anything about the game.

Yeah. I did not know about it until I bought it. I only knew that there was no humans and all animals are running around but thats it. Its fun haha.
good review, yet I still have absolutely no desire to pick this up, even at the low price of 99 cents.

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