PS4 Camera Voice Control fails


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
What voice commands are making your camera do stuff on your PS4?

"What the fuck, cat?!" loaded up Killzone: Shadow Fall for me.
"Fake ass bronies" took me to the homescreen

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What voice commands are making your camera do stuff on your PS4?

"What the fuck, cat?!" loaded up Killzone: Shadow Fall for me.
"Fake ass bronies" took me to the homescreen

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LMAO. I have a feeling this thread is gonna be quite entertaining.
try speak pig latin or gibberish, maybe speak drunken Irishman or drunken scottsman?
Oops, forgot that this thread was for the PS Camera, which I don't have. Ha, well, I'll try it when I get one someday.
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Any phrase that used the word "shit" usually activates the voice commands. Especially noticeable when we are watching Dexter, for some reason it loves to pick up the audio from that and think someone is saying "PlayStation".
Any phrase that used the word "shit" usually activates the voice commands. Especially noticeable when we are watching Dexter, for some reason it loves to pick up the audio from that and think someone is saying "PlayStation".
My camera seems to have a mind of its own. I normally keep it muted to stop it from doing stuff.

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