PS4 Controller on PC - Advanced?


PSLS Level: Newbie
Anyone know if there's a reliable way to REMAP your ps4 controller's buttons to do keyboard strokes on PC?

I want most of the buttons to do their normal functions, but I want Start to Press "T" instead, etc. Is there a program that'll do this? Thanks guys
This is an awesome question that I sadly do not have an answer for. I rarely do any gaming on my PC nowadays and when I do, I use the keyboard. Hopefully someone else can answer this but I will look around online and see what I can find.
Anyone know if there's a reliable way to REMAP your ps4 controller's buttons to do keyboard strokes on PC?

I want most of the buttons to do their normal functions, but I want Start to Press "T" instead, etc. Is there a program that'll do this? Thanks guys
GlovePIE does this and supports the DS3, I don't know if it supports the DS4 yet though.

Alternatively, you could use the DS4tool to change your DS4 into an emulated xbox 360 controller, then use Xpadder to map any buttons you want to keyboard controls.

I've never tried this myself, but it should work fine. Let us know your results.

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