PS4 Share Button Thread

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
Got an awesome PS4 screenshot that you want to share with the community? Have an amazing feat or accomplishment that you pulled off? What about an amazing looking scene that would just make a great image and deserves to be shared with the community?

Get some use out of that PS4 Share button and display your PS4 images for the PSLS community here!

Note that you will have to use the PS4 Share function to share to social media (either Twitter or Facebook) first. You can then save your image and post it in this thread for everyone to marvel at!

Have fun!

My character in MyPlayer Mode on NBA 2K14 getting a slam dunk on opponents.


Call of Duty: Ghosts


Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition
Make sure when you're watching the Share recorded videos, to hit the gear, and crank up the quality to 1080p before you start judging the quality. It looks really nice after you set Youtube to the proper resolution. Then just start the video over and enjoy.
Awesome stuff @NJShadow. How are you liking the game? Been thinking about getting it via Gamefly if I restart my membership.

Yeah, I'm absolutely loving it. The visuals are crisp, and the gameplay has that "Hot Pursuit" feel, but more refined. Plus, the visuals are just downright gorgeous. When you see a lightning storm start... wow... just wow.
Yeah, I'm absolutely loving it. The visuals are crisp, and the gameplay has that "Hot Pursuit" feel, but more refined. Plus, the visuals are just downright gorgeous. When you see a lightning storm start... wow... just wow.
Awesome to hear. I'm not gonna lie I have been hoping they go back to the Need For Speed Underground theme of things eventually. Hopefully in the future.
All I did was melee the guy once and he bleeds all over the place.

View attachment 9
That's what you get for aiming for a major artery. Man could you imagine if they made it to where if you step in a puddle of blood your shoes tracked it all over for a bit? They could do similar things with mud. Could bring a different level of mastery to games that too often end up being played twitchy.

Or it could be a useless mechanic that has you get killed more often than tracking someone down.

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