PSLS Trivia Competition - Round 1

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Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
In honor of the new PSLS 3.0 and the (re)launch of our forums, we are happy to bring you the PSLS trivia contest! We will be doing four rounds consisting of five questions each. At the end of each round, the winner will get a PSN Code for Gunslugs. At the end of all four rounds, the forum user with the most correct answers will win the grand prize of a $20 PSN card. In case of a tie for the grand prize, the tied users will participate in a bonus round of five additional questions.

Round 1 of PSLS Trivia will conclude on Friday 3/7 at 11PM PST. Any entries after this point will not be counted. Tallies will be made over the weekend with the winner announced when Round 2 goes live on Monday 3/10.

  1. You can only post your answers once and and all answers must be in a single post. Any additional answers will not be counted. Example: If you just answer question #1 in a single post, and answer the rest in another post, only the first one will count.

  2. You may not edit your answers once they have been posted. Any edits made to your posts will disqualify you from that round.

  3. You may delete and do a new post with edited answers if you wish, but keep in mind that this will put your answers after other users. See rule #4 for why this would suck.

  4. In the case of a tie, the user who had the most answers correct first will win.


1. In what episode of Morning Wood did D’yani first officially join as a co-host?

2. What person has been used most in PSLS header images?

3. Did PlayStation LifeStyle ever have an Xbox counterpart? If so, what was it called?

4. What is the name of the Hacker who guest starred on a Daily Reaction?

5. What was the only non-software winner in PlayStation LifeStyle’s E3 2013 awards?’
1) 18 (Couples Edition)
2) Kaz
3) Yes - Xboxlifestyle
4) KaKaRoTo
5) Trenton, and he should get one every year....
1. PSLS' Morning Wood Ep. 018: Special Couples Edition
2. Kazuo Hirai
3. Yep, Xbox LifeStyle
4. Youness ‘KaKaRoTo’ Alaoui
5. Jack Tretton
In honor of the new PSLS 3.0 and the (re)launch of our forums, we are happy to bring you the PSLS trivia contest! We will be doing four rounds consisting of five questions each. At the end of each round, the winner will get a PSN Code for Gunslugs. At the end of all four rounds, the forum user with the most correct answers will win the grand prize of a $20 PSN card. In case of a tie for the grand prize, the tied users will participate in a bonus round of five additional questions.

Round 1 of PSLS Trivia will conclude on Friday 3/7 at 11PM PST. Any entries after this point will not be counted. Tallies will be made over the weekend with the winner announced when Round 2 goes live on Monday 3/10.

  1. You can only post your answers once and and all answers must be in a single post. Any additional answers will not be counted. Example: If you just answer question #1 in a single post, and answer the rest in another post, only the first one will count.

  2. You may not edit your answers once they have been posted. Any edits made to your posts will disqualify you from that round.

  3. You may delete and do a new post with edited answers if you wish, but keep in mind that this will put your answers after other users. See rule #4 for why this would suck.

  4. In the case of a tie, the user who had the most answers correct first will win.


1. In what episode of Morning Wood did D’yani first officially join as a co-host?
18 (couple edition)
2. What person has been used most in PSLS header images?
Kaz Harai
3. Did PlayStation LifeStyle ever have an Xbox counterpart? If so, what was it called?
4. What is the name of the Hacker who guest starred on a Daily Reaction?
youness kakaroto alaouni
5. What was the only non-software winner in PlayStation LifeStyle’s E3 2013 awards?’
jack tretton
1) 18 for the couples, but i mean, she appeared before hand like episode 3 right? tho not co-host...
2) Kaz!
3) Xboxlifestyle... pretty old lol
4) KaKaRoTo
5) Jack Tretton, the guy from the commercials!

Tho they were answered pretty fast....
1. Episode 018: Special Couples Edition
2. Shuhei Yoshida
3. Xbox LifeStyle
4. KaKaRoTo
5. Jack Tretton
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