Ratchet & Clank Trilogy coming July 2nd (EU)


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
Confirmed from the EU PS Blog, the title will be releasing on July 2nd in the EU and July 9th in Australia.


The Vita Lounge also has an article on it, covering most of the leaks about the game over the last few weeks.

Not details have been confirmed yet for a North American release.
I'd be cautiously optimistic, its the same devs as the Jak Collection on Vita. I'll probably get it once I finish up the Sly Collection.

(I'm sadly stuck on a part in Jak 2 that I think is hopeless)
I'd be cautiously optimistic, its the same devs as the Jak Collection on Vita. I'll probably get it once I finish up the Sly Collection.

(I'm sadly stuck on a part in Jak 2 that I think is hopeless)
What is hopeless about it? Is the game broken?
What is hopeless about it? Is the game broken?
No, Im just not good enough at the on rail turret mission to be able to pass it. Its the 'Destroy Ship at Drill' mission.

I haven't played Jak 3 yet but I hear it has bad framerate issues.
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