Second Son question.


PSLS Level: Bronze
Trying to figure out how to word this without giving away spoilers is kind of throwing me off. But with Sucker Punch stating that their change of direction in lead characters was due to the fact that gamers "chose" this route via their trophy progress from inFAMOUS 2, knowing what you know now, would you have chosen a different path at the sacrifice of a trophy or would you have let things play out the way they did?
I'd still go with the good endings. It's not like the dead haven't come back to life or there isn't the possibility of time travel/manipulation (such as jumping into the Kessler timeline). I also kinda like that they basically allowed the fans to choose the outcome. At the same time the problem with that though is that a majority of players will ALWAYS play the game as a hero, so there's little to no chance that the evil ending will ever be canon unless they ignore the player choices.
True, anything is possible as far as this game or upcoming sequels are concerned despite what Sucker Punch wants you to believe. I'd probably stick with things the way they are also. Mostly because I can't seem to come to grips with playing the evil side first. I'm curious as to why that is. As far as people generally playing the good side first. I think I saw a video with Sucker Punch saying that it was 80/20 good to evil for the first play through. I can only hope that it's because people are generally good down inside.
I wish they would make moral decisions a lot more difficult in games. Like the good side takes away powers and drastically alters gameplay, or super ambiguous decisions that could go either way, such as a good choice leading to someone dying, etc. where evil is ultimately for the greater good. These black and white "definitively good" and "definitively bad" choices can feel unrealistic if overly used.

I want to be going on the good path and then be thrown a curveball, where continuing on the good path completely alters something that I didn't want it to, or vice versa. It would make people think twice about just solidly playing as the hero character.
To your knowledge, has anything like that ever been done before? I can only assume that since you brought it up, it hasn't.

I would love to see a games story unfold in such a way. Throw a fork in the road and force the gamer to make a conscience call. Infamous has thrown some change ups with Trish and the tower and Kuo flipping script at the end of 2 but those barely veered off course and don't really make you think twice about the decisions you've made or staying the course you're currently on.

If they're going to kill someone off it has to be someone major, though. I'm tired of these secondary characters dying at the hands of my decisions. I would love a choice between losing whatever skill I've primarily focused on or losing a party member I've most commonly used. Maybe not loved... but it would add some thoughtful decision making.

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