Skipping the Cut-Scenes


PSLS Level: Newbie
I just read this interesting article in saying gamers are becoming less patient with cut scenes. Like with some reviewers and such complaining you can't skip the cut scenes in Second Son. I mean back in the day cut-scenes where a huge part of the games especially in the rpg games. Plus cut-scenes really connect you with the character your playing. I don't know, I just wonder if we are becoming less patient as gamers and just want to jump in right away. What do you guys think? Do normally skip the cut-scenes and do you think we are becoming. Personally I love the cut-scenes because I love looking at scenery, texture of the character and the amount of work put into the game.

Honestly no. I love cutscenese of video games. Like you said they allow you to connect to characters. It allows gamers to delve deeper into a story, and really connect with the main character and supporting characters as well. I honestly didn't understand the complaints on the lack of being able to skip cutscenes in inFAMOUS: Second Son, if anything I was looking forward to them because I was going through my evil play through. I wanted to see what was going to happen in the game that was different from my good play through.

Overall do I feel as if gamers have become more impatient and spoiled? Yes. Gamers as a whole flip out over pretty much everything nowadays in a game. They expect everything to be the best of the best no matter what. They over evaluate graphics at time, and would sacrifice gameplay to meet those expectations. If a game is fun, it is fun. I don't care what the graphics look like, what the FPS are, etc. I'll take gameplay in a game over graphics any day of the week, just like I will take a great single player storyline/campaign over great multiplayer as well. Does this apply to all gamers? Absolutely not. But with gaming as big as it is now, there are so many people that complain over the slightest things that are so ridiculous at times.
It really depends on the game. If you have played an RPG with terrible characters and annoying cutscenes, it is almost death to the game when it has cutscenes you can't skip over. Like for instance, Hyperdimension Neptunia. If you give me that game but force me to watch every cutscene, I might not be alive today.

On Second Son, I really wish the option to skip the scenes was put in there for my second playthrough. It really sucked watching the same cutscenes I had already seen on my good play.
I never skip cutscenes. Never. They are a big part of the game for me. Especially in a story heavy game.

And you all probably know my stance on gamers today. The majority, these days, are a loathsome, impatient, disrespectful, and downright repulsive breed. They don't know what a good game is if it was beating them in the face with a cinder block. They don't even seem interested in playing games. And they most certainly haven't a clue or understand the concept that graphics are the absolute least important aspect of a game.

In short, I loathe what they are shaping the industry into. And I hope those with sense keep on playing and keep on creating.
I only want the option to skip upon subsequent playthroughs. As a trophy hunter, not having the ability to skip cutscenes can be precious time going for trophies, but again... ONLY on subsequent playthroughs. I never skip on first playthrough, or if the cutscenes are different in any way, like good vs. evil karma playthroughs. I'm also the guy that watches credits all the way through.

On another note, every game should have the ability to pause cutscenes as well.
I don't mind them, but when I've seen them several times to the point where I have them memorized, that's when I just wanna skip them and move on.
I love cut scenes. They make me feel like I am watching a movie and if the story is very good then I love the game even more!!! Skipping CS is very popular nowadays because people cannot even wait for a couple of minutes. They are impatient and its only getting worse. I love them and they are very important. A game without CS is like eating without food.
I love cut scenes. They make me feel like I am watching a movie and if the story is very good then I love the game even more!!! Skipping CS is very popular nowadays because people cannot even wait for a couple of minutes. They are impatient and its only getting worse. I love them and they are very important. A game without CS is like eating without food.

I don't mind them, but when you've seen them so many times that you have them memorized, you kinda want to skip them.
Cutscenes are nice, but unless they drastically change between playthroughs there is very little reason to watch them a second time. Which is why I believe inFamous SS is a game people complained about, as the different paths really didn't lead to much of a change in the story, except the ending.

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