Transformers 4

The sounds of them transforming is actually really cool and Shia LaBeouf wasn't as bad as people make him out to be. I actually don't mind him as an actor.


I don't think shia is in his one, I know Mark Wahlberg is, actually I think Wahlberg is the main character this time.
I remain cautiously optimistic for Transformers 4. The first one was good, the second was an absolute load of garbage with random stupid excuses to show Megan Fox in overtly sexual poses while she had nothing to do with the plot (she's not that good looking in all reality...) that should have never felt the right to grace the planet, and the third one actually redeemed the series a bit (not as good as the first, but still megatons better than number two).

With that said, Transformers 4 seems to be getting away from the "lets focus on hot girl sidekick more than the main characters" ideology that plagued the first three, and getting right into what people really want about Transformers.
I remain cautiously optimistic for Transformers 4. The first one was good, the second was an absolute load of garbage with random stupid excuses to show Megan Fox in overtly sexual poses while she had nothing to do with the plot (she's not that good looking in all reality...) that should have never felt the right to grace the planet, and the third one actually redeemed the series a bit (not as good as the first, but still megatons better than number two).

With that said, Transformers 4 seems to be getting away from the "lets focus on hot girl sidekick more than the main characters" ideology that plagued the first three, and getting right into what people really want about Transformers.
I don't hold out much hope for it, beyond itjust being CG porn. Which I am fine with.
I don't hold out much hope for it, beyond itjust being CG porn. Which I am fine with.
Same here.

Maybe I'm not as crazy about it, cartoon wise, because I didn't watch or care about the cartoon. I also tend to separate things in different mediums. But that's just me.

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