

PSLS Level: Bronze
Using the forums on my phone without problems but am wondering if you guys are gonna:

make a PSLS app
Make a PSLS forum app
Please make a light theme for the forums. I would also like the main site to be in white, but I know thats not possible right now.

Thank you for opening up these forums again!
Please make a light theme for the forums. I would also like the main site to be in white, but I know thats not possible right now.

Thank you for opening up these forums again!

I second that. My eyes don't agree as well with the inverted look of white letters on a dark background.
If at all possible it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, as @MichaelVash7886 said, it would be cool to be able to post via Tapatalk.
Using the forums on my phone without problems but am wondering if you guys are gonna:

make a PSLS app
Make a PSLS forum app

there is an app for psls I have it on my iphone, just not an app for the forums
can we have a dedicated forum for psn usernames and gamelist for each users? just so we can find new psn friends.
I too would like a lite/white theme. Dark themes are just too hard on my eyes. Just a request.

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