The King Arrives

You used to be 11 and now your 8? You don't mean age obviously since Benjamin Button isn't real but if you were you'd tell us right?
I guess no one knows who James Randy is. He was a magician who became a science out reach director. His educational foundation will give 1 million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate anything like telekinesis dousing or other abilities not currently accepted by mainstream science.
I guess no one knows who James Randy is. He was a magician who became a science out reach director. His educational foundation will give 1 million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate anything like telekinesis dousing or other abilities not currently accepted by mainstream science.

If you had Telekinesis why would you bother going to James Randy when you could just use your powers to get the money.
If you had Telekinesis why would you bother going to James Randy when you could just use your powers to get the money.
It would legitimize you, your name would be in the history books, might even get a nobel prize. If money isn't your thing you can donate it to charity.

There's no reason not to. The fact that that reward exists for decades and no one has ever been victorious, and the methodology that they use, it has been a great tool for skeptics. We have demonstrable evidence that there's no reason to believe in such things without technological assistance.
It would legitimize you, your name would be in the history books, might even get a nobel prize. If money isn't your thing you can donate it to charity.

There's no reason not to. The fact that that reward exists for decades and no one has ever been victorious, and the methodology that they use, it has been a great tool for skeptics. We have demonstrable evidence that there's no reason to believe in such things without technological assistance.

Well yeah but it's like any super-power. It wouldn't be as cool if everyone knew, say for instance you have telepathy then you could use it to get ahead of everyone but if everyone knew you had telepathy then you wouldn't be as good since everyone would just go "Well he can read our minds it's not that big a deal that he can do certain things!"
Well yeah but it's like any super-power. It wouldn't be as cool if everyone knew, say for instance you have telepathy then you could use it to get ahead of everyone but if everyone knew you had telepathy then you wouldn't be as good since everyone would just go "Well he can read our minds it's not that big a deal that he can do certain things!"
until psychopaths have the power and because you the good guy didn't step forward someone is abusing it and you might end up destroying your own freedoms through inaction.
until psychopaths have the power and because you the good guy didn't step forward someone is abusing it and you might end up destroying your own freedoms through inaction.

Being that they are psychopaths, they would abuse it anyway. Whether or not the good guys stepped forward.
until psychopaths have the power and because you the good guy didn't step forward someone is abusing it and you might end up destroying your own freedoms through inaction.

If I had super-powers and the bad guys made themselves known then surely couldn't I easily defeat them all? Since they don't know I have super-powers, I guess I could find out why I had powers and then give other people super-powers of course only guys who I knew could be trusted with super-powers, you know real-life Peter Parker types
If I had super-powers and the bad guys made themselves known then surely couldn't I easily defeat them all? Since they don't know I have super-powers, I guess I could find out why I had powers and then give other people super-powers of course only guys who I knew could be trusted with super-powers, you know real-life Peter Parker types
Why would the bad guys make their super powers known? That's why I'd be going to James Randy in the first place, so that we could do scientific experiments, and he could find scientists that won't put me in a fucking Magneto box or something so that we can learn more aout the powers. THEN we could identify them.

If I don't go to a trusted scientific group, they might never know about the powers until it's too late. At least this way they can have some knowledge, I'd be rich, and we'd have a baseline of what causes it.
Well by using super-powers of course, it's not hard to figure out who's got super-powers if their the only guys using their powers. Also going to scientists is how Sentinels happen and the next thing you know we're on some island debating whether super-human kids should fight giant mutant killing robots.
Well by using super-powers of course, it's not hard to figure out who's got super-powers if their the only guys using their powers. Also going to scientists is how Sentinels happen and the next thing you know we're on some island debating whether super-human kids should fight giant mutant killing robots.
If they conceal the powers and no one but a few people have them... The villains will have free reign

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