The LEGO Movie


Staff member
If you haven't had a chance to see this, then you must change course and go quickly. It was an utter blast, with all sorts of fun jokes at every corner and really cool LEGO fun.

Anyone else see it? What did you think?

Please avoid spoilers.
I've heard great things about the movie. Might go see it in theaters. But I'll definitely be picking it up Blu-Ray when it releases.
Haven't seen it yet, and to be honest, wasn't that interested until a couple of days ago when I happened to see a trailer for it that just made the whole thing look hilarious and great, and now I have a different opinion. Not sure if I'll make it to the theater while it's on the expensive side (I just got myself into a mortgage...), but a trip to the dollar theater may be in order in a few months.
Haven't seen it yet, and to be honest, wasn't that interested until a couple of days ago when I happened to see a trailer for it that just made the whole thing look hilarious and great, and now I have a different opinion. Not sure if I'll make it to the theater while it's on the expensive side (I just got myself into a mortgage...), but a trip to the dollar theater may be in order in a few months.
Man I love the dollar theater. It's awesome. Especially given how expensive normal movie tickets are now.
Except that the "Dollar Theater" has now turned into the "Two Dollar Theater"... Still better than 9 bucks a ticket.
Our dollar theatre was bought out by our theatre and it cost us $20 dollars to see the movies, after getting free tickets. >_<

A drink, medium popcorn, and hot dog because wife was starving... Brutal prices, throw tax in and gas... >_<
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not unlike Wreck it Ralph, it made me reminisce about my childhood.

My local theater (Marcus Cinemas) has power-reclining lounge chairs, reserved seats, armrests able to be raised, swing-arm trays for snacks, belongings and drinks, and it does not cost more than other theaters. Matinees are 5 dollars and they have deals certain days of the week. I'm sure it was a big investment but it is a smash hit in the area and really makes going to the movies feel special again. Wish you guys could experience it.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not unlike Wreck it Ralph, it made me reminisce about my childhood.

My local theater (Marcus Cinemas) has power-reclining lounge chairs, reserved seats, armrests able to be raised, swing-arm trays for snacks, belongings and drinks, and it does not cost more than other theaters. Matinees are 5 dollars and they have deals certain days of the week. I'm sure it was a big investment but it is a smash hit in the area and really makes going to the movies feel special again. Wish you guys could experience it.

Sounds like Movie Tavern here.
I was very pleased with the movie. Took the girlfriend and kids to go see it after hours of convincing. I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed every minute of it.

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