Vita Games in 2014: The Ultimate List

Well after a bit of a slow stretch of news an interesting rumor popped up.

Most likely a mistake as that date means 7th of March 2014 in the UK, this close to E3 it wouldn't surprise me. Perhaps Tesco accidentally let it slip early.

In Twitter news, the developers for Project Root have posted that it will be making its way to the Vita very soon.

I really liked XCOM on PS3 but I always prefer a Vita version of PS3 games so I'll be very happy if true. An open world twin stick shooter? Project Root sounds pretty cool.
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They'll sell decent enough. The Atelier series already has 2 titles on the PS Store, they wouldn't have brought it here if they thought it wouldn't do well enough.
Danganronpa was successful enough to bring the sequel and that sold under 100k in the US. Thankfully these games make back their development cost in Japan so they just have to cover translation cost to make a profit for a US release.
Today's releases for the PS Vita:

Borderlands 2

Soul Sacrifice Delta

And both Ragnarok Odyssey Ace & XBlaze Code: Embyro will be recieving demos.
Will update if there are some surprises in wait for us.

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