Watch and Learn ( Fanboys )


PSLS Level: Bronze
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This is very important. Im not trying to promote him or anything but he is right about the thing he said on this video. Being a Fanboy in the terms of fighting and fighting people because they simply like something you dont like is stupid. Watch and Learn and please be happy with what you like and let people be happy with what they have.
Me too. I found him while looking for a cool funny video to watch and that who I found. Francis is just a way of expressing the popular opinion of things. Thats is according to him. I really like his videos and Francis' videos about easter and christmas are awesome. DONT GIVE ME CARROTS!!!
What an awesome video. I couldn't agree more. Just play the games and consoles that make you happy. Why bash someone else for their gaming choices? Just have fun!
The sharing ideas thing is important but bashing others because they like something is not. One thing is talking and making a healthy argument and another different thing is people almost killing each other over the internet because of Frames per second, resolution, this game looks better on this system ( that makes people very angry for some reason) and other things.
The sharing ideas thing is important but bashing others because they like something is not. One thing is talking and making a healthy argument and another different thing is people almost killing each other over the internet because of Frames per second, resolution, this game looks better on this system ( that makes people very angry for some reason) and other things.

Sometimes you just can't talk things through and you must fight.
Sometimes you just can't talk things through and you must fight.
Yeah but to fight about an electronic box. I mean really?
Then there comes the time when a company that makes the consoles is blamed for a game's performance on their favorite console. Most recently people blame the Xbox One for the performance of PS4 games. Shouldn't the developer of the game be blamed? I mean seriously. You are blaming someone who makes consoles for how a game runs....
Yeah but to fight about an electronic box. I mean really?
Then there comes the time when a company that makes the consoles is blamed for a game's performance on their favorite console. Most recently people blame the Xbox One for the performance of PS4 games. Shouldn't the developer of the game be blamed? I mean seriously. You are blaming someone who makes consoles for how a game runs....

Well when you make an inferior console, sometimes you might have to take the heat. :)
Well when you make an inferior console, sometimes you might have to take the heat. :)
Console is a console. They are built for different markets IMO. The PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, and even handhelds all have markets they are appealing to. Just because a console is lacking in one area it makes up for in others. Just depends what you are looking for. Rather than place the blame on those that make the consoles why not on those that make the game. They are the ones that rush out products, lack of proper bug testing, etc.
I am not saying people should not defend the point I am talking about calling each other mean names and insulting each other like animals or like if the mother of one of them was accused of being a W. That is the stupid part not the part of defending an idea with words and facts leaving out the mean words and expressions of hate like it was WWII.
Don't mind @Lifewish he's a fanboy of hate. :mad:
Yeah but to fight about an electronic box. I mean really?

I dunno if it's something you can chalk up to human nature, but as long as there is something to argue about people will argue. There's no pleasing both sides when it comes to the system war. Sadly that's just how it is. Everyone has their preferences.

You have to admit though, some of those arguments can get pretty damn funny.
Console is a console. They are built for different markets IMO. The PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, and even handhelds all have markets they are appealing to. Just because a console is lacking in one area it makes up for in others. Just depends what you are looking for. Rather than place the blame on those that make the consoles why not on those that make the game. They are the ones that rush out products, lack of proper bug testing, etc.

Precisely. It would be pretty stupid for all the consoles to be exactly the same. I'd probably just quit gaming altogether at that point.

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