What Are You Up To?


PSLS Level: Silver
Time for another random off topic thread! Let the community know what you are up to. Whether it be playing a game (include the game), working out, going to get some food, etc.
Just relaxing, about to put the kids to bed, and then me and the wife will be watching last nights episode of the Walking Dead, and then continue making our way through season 6 of Mad Men. The new season starts soon, and I still have 10 episodes left.
plotting to take over the world using borderlands as my basis for taking over, and star wars as my base for military strategy.
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Oh I was a huge Macho Man Randy Savage fan.

American Gladiators was freaking awesome, I watched it on TV every time it was on.


ya, same here. I still remember the names of my favorites lol

I kinda wonder though if 'Mr. Torque' from borderlands 2, is based off of the Macho Man.

"SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Macho Man's greatest tv commercial.
Honestly I was a huge fan growing up. Idolizing Kane (when he had the mask) the Hardy Boys and Dudley Boyz rivalry, Along with Stone Cold and the Rock battle those where the good days. Been to a few live events which where always fun. I just think its stirred away from what made it so good with more talking and drama than actual fighting.
Honestly I was a huge fan growing up. Idolizing Kane (when he had the mask) the Hardy Boys and Dudley Boyz rivalry, Along with Stone Cold and the Rock battle those where the good days. Been to a few live events which where always fun. I just think its stirred away from what made it so good with more talking and drama than actual fighting.
I have started to realize (with the release of the WWE Network) when I watch older episodes that there was quite a bit of talking. Though the fighting was that much better. My matches that I have enjoyed the most lately have involved Cesaro and Sami Zayn on NXT, The Shield, and The Wyatt Family. These are the new up and comers IMO. Now to go create a WWE Thread so we don't keep being off topic lol.
I am currently sitting, trying to figure out what platinum trophy to go for next after finally obtaining my 100th platinum. It's always a hard decision, because nothing else ever sounds worthwhile to play.

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