Feeling bad that gaming time is interfering with time for discussing gaming. xD I'm still around, guys. Between other activities, I'm just replaying Atelier Ayesha. As for those "other activities," well... Work, watching some shows (Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, The Following, and Supernatural) with my mom, keeping up with some of the new anime season, and hanging out with a friend or two when I get the chance... With the weather improving, I'm trying to get out of the house on days off, too. So yeah, been keeping myself rather busy, so pardon my lack of activity 'round these parts as of late. ^^;
Right at this moment, though, I just finished watching one of the new Young Animator Training Project (aka Anime Mirai) shorts,
Harmonie. Getting a bit late for firing up Atelier Ayesha, so I'm just putzing around on the 'net to unwind 'til bedtime. (Ironically, drinking a Mountain Dew Kickstart while doing so. Suffice it to say I'm pretty much immune to caffeine, or close to it. Cheers.)