What Are You Up To?

^ this, I played about 8 sttaight hours last night. It's been years since I did that. Such a fantastic game.
Agreed. Granted I do that a lot with Madden, not 8 hours, but around 4-5. But it takes a lot for an open world game to truly draw me in. Well worth getting for any PS4 owner, and I am willing to call it a system seller. It's that good.
Agreed. Granted I do that a lot with Madden, not 8 hours, but around 4-5. But it takes a lot for an open world game to truly draw me in. Well worth getting for any PS4 owner, and I am willing to call it a system seller. It's that good.
Agreed, although one game can never sell me a system, this definitely goes into a list of why you'll need to get a PS4.
Just dropped off a couple of drunks at their respective homes, now I'm sitting up wondering why I'm still up when I have to go to work in 4 hours. Oh well, time for Lumines.
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Just dropped off a couple of drunks at their respective homes, now I'm sitting up wondering why I'm still up when I have to go to work in 4 hours. Oh well, time for Lumines.
Ahhh Lumines. I absolutely love that game on the Vita. Such an awesome game. Hope they make a new one soon.
Ahhh Lumines. I absolutely love that game on the Vita. Such an awesome game. Hope they make a new one soon.
Dammit! Stop telling me even more games to add to my backlog! It's much too long as it is!!!! Ok, fine, I'll add Lumines to the list....
Yeah... but I just watched my first mortgage payment grow wings and fly out of my bank account. A bittersweet day....
I hear you. We just bought a house several months back. Crazy expensive. Even though we are getting close to summer (we got it in July) our bank accounts are still recovering. Though it is nice to own a home finally.
Right now I'm sitting here working on an RC4 encryption program and thinking about skipping my night class.
Currently browsing the forums while watching Blackfish on Netflix. It is a documentary based on the treatment and habitation of Killer Whales at SeaWorld.
Currently working on a Jave program to do all 4 operations on a finite field and pulling my hair out from frustration.
I'm sitting here at work watchig youtube vids, reading forum posts, and trying not to fall asleep.
Feeling bad that gaming time is interfering with time for discussing gaming. xD I'm still around, guys. Between other activities, I'm just replaying Atelier Ayesha. As for those "other activities," well... Work, watching some shows (Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, The Following, and Supernatural) with my mom, keeping up with some of the new anime season, and hanging out with a friend or two when I get the chance... With the weather improving, I'm trying to get out of the house on days off, too. So yeah, been keeping myself rather busy, so pardon my lack of activity 'round these parts as of late. ^^;

Right at this moment, though, I just finished watching one of the new Young Animator Training Project (aka Anime Mirai) shorts, Harmonie. Getting a bit late for firing up Atelier Ayesha, so I'm just putzing around on the 'net to unwind 'til bedtime. (Ironically, drinking a Mountain Dew Kickstart while doing so. Suffice it to say I'm pretty much immune to caffeine, or close to it. Cheers.)

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