Brian Mieszala
PSLS Level: Bronze
There is no real simple solution. I mean I also don't think Vita is on its deathbed or anywhere near that point. There are a good number of units out there, and it's selling well enough in Japan. It probably received a decent boost thanks to remote play and PS4. I'm sure it will get boosted even more when Vita and PS4 are inevitably bundled together. The place it's in now isn't bad, but not great, either. It still gets games, and pretty fantastic ones (Danganronpa + sequel already announced? Disgaea 4?), but the games it gets are more Japanese focused. Some people, like me, are content with that, and others aren't. If it wants to sell well in the west, it needs a very major western title. A GTA would do it, akin to GTA4 (5 is probably way too large to even considering putting it on Vita). Or a Elder Scrolls game (although the chances of that happening are probably less than 0). Except for a couple devs like Atlus and NIS, not too many third parties care. Sony would need to put out a lot of money for them to make their game on Vita so they don't risk losing anything.