What games do you want to see on PSLS Live?

Fuck you guys. I want to see.... I don't know.

I kind of actually want to see Lego Hobbit. As someone who dislikes the lego games, I guarantee I will fall asleep during this stream. I kind of want to challenge myself into trying to stay awake for its entirety, though. If not, I'll get a good nap out of it. I wish there were better games out :eek:
Fuck you guys. I want to see.... I don't know.

I kind of actually want to see Lego Hobbit. As someone who dislikes the lego games, I guarantee I will fall asleep during this stream. I kind of want to challenge myself into trying to stay awake for its entirety, though. If not, I'll get a good nap out of it. I wish there were better games out :eek:
Anything we can do to help you nap.
So I'm all for seeing Child of Light next week. I'm interested in the game but I think it's going to be a casualty of the backlog. But I would definitely like to see more of the game play because the trailer doesn't have me convinced.
The only thing I am slightly worried about with Child of Light, is that it might spoil some of the gameplay for people. But, if that is what you guys want to see, let us know.
The only thing I am slightly worried about with Child of Light, is that it might spoil some of the gameplay for people. But, if that is what you guys want to see, let us know.
Spoiling gameplay doesn't bother me. The best part of a game for me is actually experiencing the adventure. If you spoil some of the story for me, then that's a part that I can ignore while grinding for trophies. :-D
Yeah, I think that could be fun too. But, we will only let people with pants on the stream.

Looks like you lose again @SightfulRage. No way I'm ever putting on pants to watch the streams or to tuck you in.

I could see a nice vs game with interested community members/ @Chandler Wood and @D'yani. The only thing holding it back is the mic audio not streaming for all participants. Not sure what the actual cause was for that issue.

But I'd be interested in watching either one. I don't foresee Child of Light being a 2 hour experience so "spoiling" a little of the story early on isn't any issue for me.
I could see a nice vs game with interested community members/ @Chandler Wood and @D'yani. The only thing holding it back is the mic audio not streaming for all participants. Not sure what the actual cause was for that issue.
We were doing the cross game party chat, because Merc Kings didn't have in game voice chat. I think that if a game had in game voice chat, it would actually transmit the voices of all participants when doing the PS4 streaming.
We were doing the cross game party chat, because Merc Kings didn't have in game voice chat. I think that if a game had in game voice chat, it would actually transmit the voices of all participants when doing the PS4 streaming.
Thanks for the clarification. I was a bit fuzzy on the details
How about we play borderlands 2 this week. I would join in if there is room.
Looks like we hit a dead week, anyone have any preferences for today's stream?
For down weeks, I think a BL2 community play week would be awesome. Start fresh with new characters and just go on adventures through Pandora. It is an old game but it's still one of the best offerings on any system Coop wise. You could gather input from viewers as to running missions with specific weapons or just attempting to melee bosses to death.

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