What great/good game that you were never able to like?

For me, it was Call of Duty. But can we really call that great or good?

Otherwise, the Arkham games. I watched a friend play the entire first game. And I tried Arkham City. But the games just didn't grab me. This Batman just does not seem like the one I grew up with and came to love. I am a bit excited about Arkham Knight though.
Well if I don't like a game then it isn't great to me, so this is kind of hard to say.

I guess a lot of people say GTA is great but I think it sucks. Same with Mass Effect, Mirror's Edge, and to a certain extent Resistance.
Ico, heard so many positive things about it, but just couldn't get into it when I tried it on the PS2. I'm planning to give it another shot with the PS3 port/upgrade, but I never quite got what was so great about it.
Demons Souls, Journey, Call of Duty, Ninja Gaiden Sigma

That's all I can think of for now. I'm also not a huge fan of tactical rpgs, but Rainbow Moon is kind of fun.
In spite of the acclaim and cult status, Earthbound has got to be my most disliked JRPG of all time... and I've played some stinkers
I never was able to understand the major draw of the COD games, or Mirror's Edge. I've played both but I just don't enjoy them enough to spend much time on them. I could also say the same about Portal.
In spite of the acclaim and cult status, Earthbound has got to be my most disliked JRPG of all time... and I've played some stinkers
There are two types of JRPG fans that I find in my circles: people who like Secret of Mana and people who like EarthBound, and rarely has someone I know liked both. I love Earthbound - I find it fun and quirky and completely childish (in a good way). I picked it up when I dusted off my SNES about a month ago, but stopped when I lost my save file (which I guess should be listed as a feature). I have it on my OpenEmu (OSX) and should probably pick it up again...
For me, the list of games I wanted to play (and have sitting on a shelf) but never have is getting longer and longer. Some are AAA games/series that I just haven't had time to get into. The Arkham series, Mass Effect, Dead Space, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, etc. I have them - some are still wrapped- and I generally like the style or enjoyed the demos, but never got into the games themselves.

So, I guess I want to like them, but I can't speak on them...
There are two types of JRPG fans that I find in my circles: people who like Secret of Mana and people who like EarthBound, and rarely has someone I know liked both. I love Earthbound - I find it fun and quirky and completely childish (in a good way). I picked it up when I dusted off my SNES about a month ago, but stopped when I lost my save file (which I guess should be listed as a feature). I have it on my OpenEmu (OSX) and should probably pick it up again...
Funnily enough i do like the Mana series...

I got Bioshock 2 through PS+ started it and then forgot about it i,e never found a reason to try to complete it, I found the weapon system to be a chore so I haven't even started Infinite (I love PS+)
Final Fantasy, Fallout, Skyrim. I don'tb really enjoy RPG, for whatever reason I just can't get into them. So as much as I want to like those games, I just can't.
There are two types of JRPG fans that I find in my circles: people who like Secret of Mana and people who like EarthBound, and rarely has someone I know liked both. I love Earthbound - I find it fun and quirky and completely childish (in a good way). I picked it up when I dusted off my SNES about a month ago, but stopped when I lost my save file (which I guess should be listed as a feature). I have it on my OpenEmu (OSX) and should probably pick it up again...
Hah! Funny concept. I'm in the Mana crowd.
Fallout, Skyrim
I mostly say this about Fallout. I have a handful of friends who are rabid fanboys/fangirls of the games, and hopelessly addicted to them even years after they were released, but they just never really appealed to me. Granted, I never actually played them myself, but that's kind of the point. After watching a pretty decent amount of Fallout 3 gameplay, it just never grabbed my attention and made me want to play it. Honestly, I've literally fallen asleep once or twice while watching a friend play the game.

The Elder Scrolls titles seem to suffer some of the same things that the Fallout games do, for me. From what little I've seen, they seem a tad more intriguing, and if nothing else, more colorful and visually enticing, but something about them just seems so boring to me. In fact, a lot of these western open-world action RPG's seem to have similar effects on me. Don't get me wrong; I very much enjoy RPG's, and even action RPG's, but the particular formula that many of these particular types of games seem to follow just doesn't quite cut it for me, despite the massive success they have with others.
wow... those are some of the biggest AAA games in the market.
I've played probably 10 hours of both Skyrim and Fallout 3, but I couldn't get into them. Like I said I'm not a huge fan of RPG. That genera just doesn't appeal to me. Now I do v play some, South Park, Borderlands, so I guess less intense rpg. I also never have that much time to sink into one game, so that may be another reason.
There are two types of JRPG fans that I find in my circles: people who like Secret of Mana and people who like EarthBound, and rarely has someone I know liked both. I love Earthbound - I find it fun and quirky and completely childish (in a good way). I picked it up when I dusted off my SNES about a month ago, but stopped when I lost my save file (which I guess should be listed as a feature). I have it on my OpenEmu (OSX) and should probably pick it up again...

I loved both
for me it is any standard fighting games such as Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, etc. I just never found the appeal other than pulling off combos (which I can satisfy in other games, I'm sure).

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