2015 and what lays on the horizon for gamers.


PSLS Level: Bronze
Well it is well in to 2015 and I am planning out my year for the games I would like and ones to watch for.

With GDC in March (2-6) and E3 in June (16-18) and Games Com in August (5-9).

What Games, Genres, Hardware are you hoping to see.

For me personally I would love to see way more RPGs Single player...

I hate that Final Fantasy seems to have put way more attention in to their MMO as well as my other favourite series The elder Scrolls. Nothing bad about the MMO's . It is just I much prefer to play a SP Epic RPG.

The Witcher 3 I just can't wait for. also I would love to see or hear something on the Fallout Series.
I am really ready for a new Fall Out game...

So far here is a little list of what games I know I want the most... top 5

Top 10 Games this Year that I want...

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
No Man’s Sky
Rainbow Six: Siege
The Banner Saga
The Division
The Forest
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
King's Quest

Top Games I hope to know more about or see,

A new Fallout with no MMO
Dragon Quest would be good as well.
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture I would like to know more
New Xcom would be awesome as well.

That being said I would like to know what others are hoping to see or play this year???


Hope to see Morpheus up and running and on the store shelves if they are ready to go... for the end of the year....
Word on the street is Sony will be giving Morpheus a big focus at GDC this year

Not sure how I feel about it it though. I kind of wish Sony just focused on developing good PS4 games instead of fracturing the user base.

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