Any Lord of the Rings fans?


PSLS Level: Bronze
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Launch date is October 7
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Here here! I am SOOOOO excited for this! Looks like a wonderful mix of Lord of the Rings and Assassin's Creed... and... something else? I can't wait to play it.
I love Assassins Creed, I love games set in ancient times and most of all I love LOTR so I am really hyped for this game.

I also love SKYRIM
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Here here! I am SOOOOO excited for this! Looks like a wonderful mix of Lord of the Rings and Assassin's Creed... and... something else? I can't wait to play it.
Batman! The Arkham games were one of their inspirations and the combat is loosely based on that style. Coincidentally, the game releases one week before Arkham Knight.

I was a bit skeptical when I first heard about the game, but after seeing that first gameplay footage where they detail the Nemesis system and the general gameplay had me hooked.

I'm not a huge LOTR fan, but I do enjoy the movies and most of the games and this one does not look to break that trend for me.
I'm a big Ring fan. Love everything about that universe and how it helped establish what fantasy is. I frequently return to LOTRO because I enjoy seeing all of Middle-Earth realized in a 3D setting. Game is just beautiful. I am very much looking forward to Shadow of Mordor. More so than Arkham Knight. ;) But of course, that series just didn't grab me like it did everyone else. I suppose I don't like Bats killing people.
Another huge fan right here. The films are my all-time favorites.

That said, I'm cautiously optimistic about this new game. I just don't fully agree with the "fusion" of a man and a wraith. I'm sure its an entirely plausible thing that could happen, I know that by "wraith" they don't strictly mean Ring Wraith, but idk. I will have to wait and see where they go with it, but their newest trailer looks promising.

I blame my caution on all the mediocre LOTR games that have been made. The only ones I really like are Two Towers, RoTK, and The Third Age. So far Warner Bros has yet to impress me, though War in the North was surprisingly okay.
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I'm very much looking forward to this game. All of the movie LOTR games I was a little disappointed in so I'm hoping that this turns out to be an excellent game. I"m a huge fan of all of the LOTR mythology and read the books at least once a year! While the movies are great, they'll never beat the books imo. But anyways, this is one of my most anticipated games of the year by far.
Hadn't really heard of this game honestly, but the LOTR movies were always enjoyable. Judging from the trailers/gameplay you guys posted this might be something I pick up. Definitely will be playing it at some point though.
I'm very much looking forward to this game. All of the movie LOTR games I was a little disappointed in so I'm hoping that this turns out to be an excellent game.

This is me right now.. really disappointed with the game series so far.
I remember LOTR: the two towers as a really fun PS2 game. It also had a few unlockable characters to replay the game with and there was an option to play in a horde mode arena. You could definitely put a lot of time into that game.
Yes! I loved this game back in the day! The unlockables and structure were great overall!
Looks like this is the cover art. Pretty epic!!!

I am a HUGE HUGE fan. I love LOTR. Its amazing. Since I was a child I used to watch the movies over and over again. When The Hobbit was announced I was almost going to the hospital with a heart attack and brain damage hahaha. They are good movies and a great dimension. I recommend all the movies and the up coming game Shadow of Mordor. It looks so awesome that I cannot wait to kill some Orcs.

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