Any Lord of the Rings fans?

Probably the best Lego game I've ever played. Love the characters, the acting, the free roaming, and all the unlockables. I just had other titles snag me away from it. I'll beat it soon enough though.
I play the LEGO games co-op with my wife, but her attention on them fades about halfway through unfortunately. I love them though. Fun hoarding games.
I liked the books and the movies but have stayed away from the games, Lego LotRs is the only one I've played. SoM does look interesting though.
Is Marvel good? I hope so.

LEGO Marvel has to be my favorite out of all of the ones I have played, and I have tried just about all of major releases going back to Star Wars (except Batman). LEGO The Hobbit is good, but i'm still unsure about their crafting mechanic, as it does add some depth to the game, but seems to complicate an experience I would rather be simple. I also think that the characters do feel a bit too similar on the story mode, since there are only so many ways to differentiate the Dwarves.
LEGO Marvel has to be my favorite out of all of the ones I have played, and I have tried just about all of major releases going back to Star Wars (except Batman). LEGO The Hobbit is good, but i'm still unsure about their crafting mechanic, as it does add some depth to the game, but seems to complicate an experience I would rather be simple. I also think that the characters do feel a bit too similar on the story mode, since there are only so many ways to differentiate the Dwarves.

Isn't that exactly how they are represented in the lore? As a species you can hardly differentiate from one another? Even the females have beards.
Yes, this is true. But, for a video game it can be a bit mundane when characters feel overly similar. The best example I could give for this would be Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter in the early days.
New video released today about weapon upgrades in Shadow of Mordor.
I can't be the only one who thought his dive towards that enemy looked almost identical to the Assassin's Creed Leap of Faith maneuver? :b

The combat looks insanely fun though. I really hope they can deliver on this one.
I can't be the only one who thought his dive towards that enemy looked almost identical to the Assassin's Creed Leap of Faith maneuver? :b

The combat looks insanely fun though. I really hope they can deliver on this one.
There are soooo many aspects of this game that remind me of Assassin's Creed.
I can't be the only one who thought his dive towards that enemy looked almost identical to the Assassin's Creed Leap of Faith maneuver? :b

The combat looks insanely fun though. I really hope they can deliver on this one.
You're far from the only one. It's not surprising really, as when the game was announced the devs said that the two major influences of the game were the Assassin's Creed and Batman Arkham series. If you go back and watch the first trailer, a lot of the climbing and rope walking animations are very similar to what we see in AC as well.
You're far from the only one. It's not surprising really, as when the game was announced the devs said that the two major influences of the game were the Assassin's Creed and Batman Arkham series. If you go back and watch the first trailer, a lot of the climbing and rope walking animations are very similar to what we see in AC as well.

I just opened the video on YouTube and saw the comments have been disabled for it
Seems like they predicted some potential rage comments :b
I just opened the video on YouTube and saw the comments have been disabled for it
Seems like they predicted some potential rage comments :b
It looks like all videos (or at least every video I opened) posted by WBGamesUK blocks comments. Looks to be more of an account-wide policy rather than just for this video. Concerning how dumb/useless a vast majority of Youtube comments can be, especially by gamers, it's actually not a bad policy for a Youtube page.
I can't be the only one who thought his dive towards that enemy looked almost identical to the Assassin's Creed Leap of Faith maneuver? :b

The combat looks insanely fun though. I really hope they can deliver on this one.

Honestly though, how many poses can a humanoid have when leaping from a building and slaying an enemy without looking like a complete moron or have some sort of discomfort? Not a problem for me.
Honestly though, how many poses can a humanoid have when leaping from a building and slaying an enemy without looking like a complete moron or have some sort of discomfort? Not a problem for me.
Agreed, I don't think it's a bad thing at all, Assassin's Creed does its thing well. Add LOTR in the mix, I am totally ok with it.

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