Cole Mcgrath vs. Delsin Rowe

Who is the better main character?

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Who does everyone think the better main character is between the two.

For me personally, it is not even a contest. Delsin is a much better character with a lot more sly humor and just an overall cooler character. Cole always bugged the heck out of me, possibly why I fairly disliked the first two games.
Delsin without a doubt. Cole was very boring at times, Delsin on the other hand has made me laugh many times during my play through of the game. He is a much more relatable character as well.
Cole, by and large, lacked personality. That always bothered me. Even his character design seemed quite generic. Much as I enjoyed the two prior games, its protagonist wasn't its strong point.

I'm quite enjoying Delsin as a character though.
Delsin seems better to me. I also prefer the two brothers over Cole and Zeke. They have much better back and forth comments during the game.
Cole was who they needed for the first 2 games. Someone who could jump from building to building, so they made him a carrier who could parkour. They needed to have them able to be good or evil, so they focused on someone with no distinct personality. They were taking risks so they didn't want to go bankrupt if it was received poorly. They didn't want to make the guy too much of a do gooder in case you went evil but they didn't want to make him so evil that good options didn't fit.

At least that's the way I see it. In Second Son they wanted a full freedom of choices and playstyles. So they went with a mischievous kid with a cop brother to lead him on the good path.
Delsin for sure, Cole didn't bother me, although he was sort of a downer at times, and changing the character model and voice sort of disconnected me even more with him. I love Delsin, I'm playing good though, and I heard he isn't as great if you play evil, but I will have to see fit myself then.
Delsin for sure, Cole didn't bother me, although he was sort of a downer at times, and changing the character model and voice sort of disconnected me even more with him. I love Delsin, I'm playing good though, and I heard he isn't as great if you play evil, but I will have to see fit myself then.

I am playing good too, so I am eager to see how different he is during evil.
I am playing good too, so I am eager to see how different he is during evil.
I usually do the evil run-throughs on my first playthroughs, but considering they said they have been going off good playthroughs, I figured I would do that first.
I usually do the evil run-throughs on my first playthroughs, but considering they said they have been going off good playthroughs, I figured I would do that first.
I always do good playthroughs the first time around because I don't want to be precise when I'm on harder difficulties. I want to just let loose.
I've only played Second Son for a few hours since I got it on Friday(damn you college!) but so far I think that Deslin is a better character overall. He just seems like a more well-rounded character to me and I am enjoying the 2 brothers interaction more than I did with Zeke and Cole.
Delsin is hands down a better and deeper character than Cole. I would love to see Delsin's story continue in the future.
Overall, I'd say Delsin is the better character. Definitely better acted. I'm with Makai, though. I think Cole is precisely what they needed for the first two entries. The story was a bit more dark and serious. It had to establish the outlook of Conduits to the world and set the stage for the universe as a whole. As the brooding Cole we were dealing with a guy down on life and luck. As subtle as it was, I enjoyed his rise from nobody to public hero. Though I disliked his character, voice, and personality in inFamous 2; it was nice to see Cole grow even more into the heroic character. I felt like I could actually mold Cole McGrath into what I imagined myself being in his shoes. Not only write his story, but mine as well.

Delsin has a personality all his own. And the world and characters feed off of and interact with that persona very well. Mind you I'm not far, just got neon. However, Delsin has already shown me just how good, albeit rough, of a character he is. I can only imagine the evil playthrough and how the game's conversations and actions change accordingly. He definitely seems a lot more care free and fun. Delsin actually has me wondering how he will react and what things he will say in the future. In other words, Delsin alone keeps me interested in the universe. And when someone can make a character do that, they have done an exemplary job at their craft.

I'll always love the original Cole in inFamous though. And I'm sure I'll love Delsin just as much or more.
Personality wise, Delsin is the obvious choice. But game play wise, I had a lot more fun playing as Cole in the other 2 games.

Delsin's powers... I didn't like at all. I essentially spammed w/e the core skill was (depending on the power) enough to build up whatever ultimate I had, then nuke most enemies on the screen. Rinse. Repeat. Every major battle. I missed surprising enemies with a random sticky nade. Or jumping onto rooftops and blasting an entire group of enemies off. Sure Delsin had better maneuverability powers but F that noise, I'd much rather grind on power lines than use my neon powers to run everywhere. Even the melee in infamous 1 & 2 was a more viable option than what it was in this Second Son.
Personality wise, Delsin is the obvious choice. But game play wise, I had a lot more fun playing as Cole in the other 2 games.

Delsin's powers... I didn't like at all. I essentially spammed w/e the core skill was (depending on the power) enough to build up whatever ultimate I had, then nuke most enemies on the screen. Rinse. Repeat. Every major battle. I missed surprising enemies with a random sticky nade. Or jumping onto rooftops and blasting an entire group of enemies off. Sure Delsin had better maneuverability powers but F that noise, I'd much rather grind on power lines than use my neon powers to run everywhere. Even the melee in infamous 1 & 2 was a more viable option than what it was in this Second Son.
see I rarely ever use the mega powers. . I just run around like crazy and trash dudes.
see I rarely ever use the mega powers. . I just run around like crazy and trash dudes.

I wish I had your patience. But between that faux reloading and chasing enemies around only to have them throw up a shield and "rock blast" off, I got sick of the combat quick. Once I got neon, I never went for another power unless I was trying to move around the city quicker. Subdue/headshot with the neon enough to build up the ultimate. Throw that out and go on about the day. I couldn't take it, man. I couldn't take it.
Personality wise, Delsin is the obvious choice. But game play wise, I had a lot more fun playing as Cole in the other 2 games.

Delsin's powers... I didn't like at all. I essentially spammed w/e the core skill was (depending on the power) enough to build up whatever ultimate I had, then nuke most enemies on the screen. Rinse. Repeat. Every major battle. I missed surprising enemies with a random sticky nade. Or jumping onto rooftops and blasting an entire group of enemies off. Sure Delsin had better maneuverability powers but F that noise, I'd much rather grind on power lines than use my neon powers to run everywhere. Even the melee in infamous 1 & 2 was a more viable option than what it was in this Second Son.
I used melee a good chunk. I also didn't do what you did. I was a good play through so I spent a lot of time getting head shots, smoke bombing to subdue, shot gunning those I can't subdue. On Neon it was a lot of hit and runs as well as sniping legs. A lot of melee in Neon. I had a hard time with the powers so I tend to dash, attack, run away, dash, attack run away. Lots of repositioning myself. I was like a slow Flash.

The third power was mostly covert ops. The 4th power was rarely used. I used most of the attacks fairly regularly.
I tried using melee early on. I learned quick that the closer I got to enemies, the quicker I turned into swiss cheese. And when the bigger enemies came around, melee was out completely. I could run up and attack 1 enemy before having to run behind a building to heal.

I used the smoke power a great deal in the beginning. I loved being able to throw out the smoke grenade then dashing over and subduing a big group all at once. But once I got to the second island, I had lost all patience trying to deal with the combination of enemies you couldn't subdue at all/easily and having larger distances to cover for missions. I had to streamline my problems into one solution.
I tried using melee early on. I learned quick that the closer I got to enemies, the quicker I turned into swiss cheese. And when the bigger enemies came around, melee was out completely. I could run up and attack 1 enemy before having to run behind a building to heal.

I used the smoke power a great deal in the beginning. I loved being able to throw out the smoke grenade then dashing over and subduing a big group all at once. But once I got to the second island, I had lost all patience trying to deal with the combination of enemies you couldn't subdue at all/easily and having larger distances to cover for missions. I had to streamline my problems into one solution.
To me the third power did that.

I had my powerful R1 I had my crafty near invicibility with L1 I had the best way to cover distance with O, I would dash away, sneak up, circle around, and then subdue. No idea how I'll play my evil playthrough.
I tried using melee early on. I learned quick that the closer I got to enemies, the quicker I turned into swiss cheese. And when the bigger enemies came around, melee was out completely. I could run up and attack 1 enemy before having to run behind a building to heal.

It was so much fun dashing up close and just straight knocking guys out, then dashing away to cover, then coming back out and hitting them with some long range attacks. I felt the combat system was really good if you just left out the big powers.

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