Fallout 4 DLC Speculation

What idea should Bethesda go for?

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PSLS Level: Bronze
WARNING - If you haven't finished the main storyline for Fallout 4 then maybe avoid this thread till you do.

I know it hasn't been that long but given Bethesda's history with DLC I thought it'd be a neat idea to talk about what everyone thinks Bethesda should or might do with Fallout 4's additional content. I came up with a few cool ideas I think people might like.

1. Another B-Movie DLC Story mission

In New Vegas for me one of the best pieces of DLC was Old World Blues, it had a deep message about the dangers of nostalgia as well as a lot of nods to classic sci-fi and I think Bethesda should do their own version, the story could take place in an underwater vault created by Vault-Tec with the mission to pass the various tests and escape from an army of synths created to look like Vault-Boy. (Imagine fighting off real life versions of the game's mascot with variations like Nerd Rage Vault-Boy)

2. Broken Steel 2

Well ok it wouldn't be a continuation of Broken Steel from Fallout 3 but it'd do something similar showing the player how our choices have impacted the wasteland. Leading into a new area as the faction you allign yourself with faces up to a new foe who has entered the Commonwealth via the power vaccum you created by destroying the other factions.

This one I'm not sure on how to implement since it'd most likely mean a few new areas, enemies and items and any of the other ideas could give us all that.

3. New York

New York was destroyed but what about a DLC mission along the lines of Metro which sees us braving a literal labyrinth complete with it's own boogeyman to gain a mysterious reward. What if the underground holds a Vault built by the upper class of New York now filled with decendants half of whom believe their ancestors were selfish assholes who left the lower classes to die and the others who disagree with that notion.

You have a labyrinth with treasure, a minotour, civil unrest and an army of ghouls eager for revenge against the upper class snobs who left them to die.

So what do you guys think? Feel free to add your own ideas here, who knows maybe Bethesda will read some of these (unlikely but who knows?).
Given the creepy mutated dolphin creatures on the shores and the harpoon gun being found in the console commands, I would like to see some sort of sea faring adventure, maybe fight a mutated Kraken or Moby Dick. Also, Ironsides could make a return and actually make it to water this time.

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