Got charged twice on PSN


PSLS Level: Bronze
Just realized at 5am and my OCD won't let me sleep. So I'm waiting for the Online Chat support to go online.

Will post update.

This sucks.
Sorry you are dealing with this. They should fix this, especially if you have proof on your end of additional charges.
I have proof and have provided it. I provided transaction IDs and screenshots. Now he's saying they will refund to my "Wallet". I need the money back to my bank. I'm trying to get them to do that now.
You try to support a company and actually buy games legally, and they not only have a system in place that can charge you twice without you realizing, but then you have to deal with the biggest asshole this side of The Joker.

Now he tells me that he can request a refund to my card, but that will take 2 billing cycles (basically 3 months).
I suppose I should eat grass in the meantime. Not like I needed the money to buy things like food /sarcasm.
Yeap. And that's that. I just told him to process a refund to my "Wallet". That money in 3 months is no good to me, I'm moving to South America at the end of September.

So, I got f*cked for legally buying games, AND got the pleasure of dealing with an asshole at 5am.

I hope you guys don't suffer the same fate.
Happened to me once, got my money back from them asap. I didn't even provide them with any proof. Sometimes this stuff happens, and which is why you gotta be careful when you buy things online. Maybe you might've accidently pressed a button too many times and not realized it, maybe it was the banks doing, or just a mistake on the psn part.

I try not to get angry at the reps for things like this because they aren't bankers, nor are they in charge of psn.

I would hate to be a customer service rep. They go thru so much shit for things they aren't at fault for.
Just a lesson that NO ONE has good customer support

I hate to be "that guy", but I've really liked the (few, admittedly) interactions I had with Nintendo customer service.

I try not to get angry at the reps for things like this because they aren't bankers, nor are they in charge of psn. I would hate to be a customer service rep. They go thru so much shit for things they aren't at fault for.

I absolutely agree. I used to work retail so I know they take crap for things they have no control over. However, I also know when someone is giving me shit and attitude for no reason. And this interaction fell in the 2nd part of the equation.

Not only was he no help at all, he was rude. Now, regardless of what you can do (or can't) for a customer, you NEVER show bad attitude to the customer. EVER.

Specially if it seems like the company you work for and represent is at fault.
I absolutely agree. I used to work retail so I know they take crap for things they have no control over. However, I also know when someone is giving me shit and attitude for no reason. And this interaction fell in the 2nd part of the equation.

Not only was he no help at all, he was rude. Now, regardless of what you can do (or can't) for a customer, you NEVER show bad attitude to the customer. EVER.

Specially if it seems like the company you work for and represent is at fault.
I manage a customer support team, and I am constantly trying to make sure that they are being helpful. Customer support ought to be on the side of the customer, and most feel like they have to fight AGAINST the customer. It's a fine line, but it makes a huge difference in the experience if the CS agent is putting themselves on the lin for the customer and doing everything they can to get them taken care of.
In situations like double charging though i always call my bank first and see what they say.
I manage a customer support team, and I am constantly trying to make sure that they are being helpful. Customer support ought to be on the side of the customer, and most feel like they have to fight AGAINST the customer. It's a fine line, but it makes a huge difference in the experience if the CS agent is putting themselves on the lin for the customer and doing everything they can to get them taken care of.

Absolutely. And you can always tell when the guy/gal on the other side is being a prick, regardless of what they are able to do / unable to do for you.

In situations like double charging though i always call my bank first and see what they say.

I went to Sony first, because getting the bank involved and reversing a charge on the PSN results in an instant and permanent ban (according to most forums), and I can't afford that.

Sadly, I'm gonna have to take this one on the chin, because the amount that was double charged is nowhere near what I've spent on the totality of my PSN account. Can't afford to be banned.
Absolutely. And you can always tell when the guy/gal on the other side is being a prick, regardless of what they are able to do / unable to do for you.

I went to Sony first, because getting the bank involved and reversing a charge on the PSN results in an instant and permanent ban (according to most forums), and I can't afford that.

Sadly, I'm gonna have to take this one on the chin, because the amount that was double charged is nowhere near what I've spent on the totality of my PSN account. Can't afford to be banned.
Seriously a ban? Wow. Never heard that before.
Seriously a ban? Wow. Never heard that before.

Sadly, yes. The internet and Playstation forums are littered with people who have had similar issues (or issues of the same kind), and their accounts were banned after the issues.

At this point, I'll consider myself lucky if my account isn't banned just by having Playstation refund me to my wallet.
Sadly, yes. The internet and Playstation forums are littered with people who have had similar issues (or issues of the same kind), and their accounts were banned after the issues.

At this point, I'll consider myself lucky if my account isn't banned just by having Playstation refund me to my wallet.
Wow. I doubt you would be banned though because you contacted them about the issue. So hopefully everything works out.
Contacted PSN again, over chat, and the guy was no help at all. Told me that because they didn't get the money, I would probably be getting it back eventually.

I asked him to put me through to his supervisor, and he told me to call (I was in chat).

I asked him to give me his ID number or some way to place a formal complaint against him, and he refused, and then closed the connection.


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