HD recorder for gaming


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Hello guys. I want to ask you now about recommendations for my gameplay recorder thing. I have seen a couple but I would like your opinion on anything about it that you know. Brands? Pros and Cons? All of that.

Hopefully I can buy it soon enough but I dont know which one could be the most convenient or doesnt matter?

When I buy it I would likely need a new game to record so I can upload it to my Youtube channel. So if you could tell me upcoming games for this month and the next one that would be cool. I already know about Watch Dogs but maybe Im missing something.
Well, I haven't tried too many PVRs, but I have used the Hauppauge 1 and 2. The H2 is by far a much better product than the first one, on both ease to use and functionality. The biggest issue that you are going to want to look into regarding a PVR is not necessary the hardware itself (even though that is important) but the software that it comes with.

The H2 is packaged with Hauppauge Capture (and ArcSoft ShowBiz), which is far better than the Totalmedia Extreme package it used to come with. Within the software you can stream, record, edit, post and even watermark your footage with relative ease. But, you can only stream OR record, not both at the same time (if I remember correctly). The only issue, I am still having is encoding, as the HD recordings are HUGE and I am trying to find a way to cut them down, without destroying the quality. One of the things that I do like about the H2, is that the device comes with a button on top that will perform pre-programmed tasks. I have mine set to load up the software and record at the touch of a button, even if I don't have anything open for it.
Well, I haven't tried too many PVRs, but I have used the Hauppauge 1 and 2. The H2 is by far a much better product than the first one, on both ease to use and functionality. The biggest issue that you are going to want to look into regarding a PVR is not necessary the hardware itself (even though that is important) but the software that it comes with.

The H2 is packaged with Hauppauge Capture (and ArcSoft ShowBiz), which is far better than the Totalmedia Extreme package it used to come with. Within the software you can stream, record, edit, post and even watermark your footage with relative ease. But, you can only stream OR record, not both at the same time (if I remember correctly). The only issue, I am still having is encoding, as the HD recordings are HUGE and I am trying to find a way to cut them down, without destroying the quality. One of the things that I do like about the H2, is that the device comes with a button on top that will perform pre-programmed tasks. I have mine set to load up the software and record at the touch of a button, even if I don't have anything open for it.

You have been very helpful and yeah I read that the software has to be a good one if you dont want to blow your brains out at the hour of editing and posting and doing everything that has to do with the video once you got it inside the recorder.

I also heard that the Hauppauge PVR 2 is one of the best for the job. They also mention ELGATO but I dont remember what were the Cons of that one. Maybe the software.

At least I found that the H2 is not that expensive given that it doesnt reach the 200 bucks and I was thinking that it was gonna cost me and eye for getting a HD recorder hahaha.

Edit: I also found out that I can get a cheap mic for commentary and it will sound good enough so I dont have to spend $300 on a mic.
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I use my sony hd camera, worked pretty damn well with my gameplay on youtube. caught the sound, picture, everything. of course when the video editing came around I replace the sound with actual music.
I use my sony hd camera, worked pretty damn well with my gameplay on youtube. caught the sound, picture, everything. of course when the video editing came around I replace the sound with actual music.

Yes. That is what I did on one of my videos.

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