Help with Japanese


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Can someone help me? I want to learn japanese but I dont know where to start. I know its hard ( at least thats what I have been hearing around the internet) But I really want to do it because of gaming and because I like anime and all japanese stuff I find it very interesting and I dont have anything more important to do right now. Its summer for me at least for 2 more months so yeah I have plenty of time to read and learn at least something in those 2 months.
Can someone help me? I want to learn japanese but I dont know where to start. I know its hard ( at least thats what I have been hearing around the internet) But I really want to do it because of gaming and because I like anime and all japanese stuff I find it very interesting and I dont have anything more important to do right now. Its summer for me at least for 2 more months so yeah I have plenty of time to read and learn at least something in those 2 months.

Contact me on the playstation, i'll help ya out
Jacky you should do a how to learn the Japanese language thread :p

I would but i don't think it would go over well lol

In my opinion i would say start off with learning the syllabary chart as far as speaking goes, and also as far as the writing goes for hiragana, katakana, and romaji. Try to find the charts in those three versions of writing.
And people here complain about learning the alphabet and english. ( Im talking about my litle island PR).

Japanese have a lot more hahaaha. I would like to see their faces.

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