Otakon 2014 and 2015

Awesome. I've been wanting to go to one of these things for years. Problem is I always forget when they occur and I don't save up. And the fact I can't find a damned costume to wear.
Awesome. I've been wanting to go to one of these things for years. Problem is I always forget when they occur and I don't save up. And the fact I can't find a damned costume to wear.

Costumes aren't needed, though they are fun use. Just going to these things and checking out all the stuff like, the gamers room, concerts, panels, celebrity autographs, and such are a blast. They can be pretty funny too, last year someone came dressed as snake he disapeared behind the stairs and all of a sudden this cardboard box appears sneaking around. People were cheering and laughing. He then stopped moving and you see this little hole open up and a pop gun come out. It was too funny.
Costumes aren't needed, though they are fun use. Just going to these things and checking out all the stuff like, the gamers room, concerts, panels, celebrity autographs, and such are a blast. They can be pretty funny too, last year someone came dressed as snake he disapeared behind the stairs and all of a sudden this cardboard box appears sneaking around. People were cheering and laughing. He then stopped moving and you see this little hole open up and a pop gun come out. It was too funny.

That is phenomenal. However, should I go, I would hold a costume as a personal requisite before doing so.

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