PS Vita Screenshot Thread

Me 13, Them 0.jpg
Figured I'd throw the games I currently have on the Vita up here also


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Talking about making the Goers goners...
lol Wedge had like 7 or 8 goals that game. They just kept going towards him and he'd kick their teeth in, grab the ball go 10 feet and could score. Their attacks was too low to take the ball from him, they couldn't block any of his shots, and their energy was to low to survive a Wedge attack.
He has been a 1 man wrecking crew for me.
And still a ton of spheres to fill up


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That interface looks great, I should really pick up FFX on Vita soon. Here are some Deception IV screenshots in the meantime2014-03-27-181724.jpg 2014-03-30-184123.jpg 2014-03-26-224610.jpg 2014-03-26-214418.jpg
is deception really that repetitive? and how do you unlock different traps?
I feel like most games have the potential to be considered "repetitive", so I don't really like to use this word. The game does a pretty good job of spicing things up a bit, there are a lot of traps to unlock and there are alternate tasks to completely throughout the story mode to keep your trap building interesting.

Basically there are three kinds of traps; elaborate (blue), sadistic (red), and humiliating (yellow), each one has a corresponding "sister" that provides you with side objectives to fulfill and gain additional points. Each of the trap types have certain goal levels and thresholds that you must pass, and once you do you can unlock more traps. I think completing certain chapters unlocks more traps as well. The more you progress through the story, the more traps you're able to set and the more you can start experimenting with stage traps or some of the stranger inventory traps.

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This is the most elaborate trap I've seen so far, I've only put about 13 hours into the game so I'm nowhere near this level of creativity.

drifter-2522934_1.jpg a game im looking forward, called drifter. just got announced for vita n ps4supposedly it looks like a modern elite during the 1980s. elite was a pc game, you basically did anything you wanted to it was in space, this one caught my eye

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