PS Vita Screenshot Thread

I'll just leave these two images that show why character customization is my favorite feature in any video game ever.

Project Diva f.jpg

Ragnarok Odyssey ACE.jpg
noob question. how do i take screenshot ?
For the vita, you press both the start button and the PS button at the same time. Just know that not all titles allow it, along with all classics (as far as I'm aware), and some titles will add a watermark as well.
I'm not sure I want to contribute now. So far all I've seen are what people play and watch, and then their fap material. Which is, honestly, just a slight bit disturbing.

[/ATTACH] thfirst i want to say, the reason i posted those pix were because i can use this threld for saving these to my 3ds

There are way better ways to save pics to your 3DS than this. Heck you could create your own Fellblood post, you could start up a free website, you could use wifi to upload pics from your Vita to a PC, and then throw them on the SD card directly.
View attachment 1675 hi isabelle, still haven't forgotten your song(dino thunder fans will pin the kira ford cover of patiently with miss isabelle).this kid is a fan of her clinic.most don't know this, but carceron is NOT a prison, but a town on an energy crisis.conditions got so bad, the place went to the dogs, placing it on the level of arkham city
I'm beginning to think you're a robot. A very creepy robot
Deka+Base+Robo+003_1.jpg 2013-07-26-194106_1_1.jpg 10440819_562875293856287_8086991006996143222_n_1.jpg normal_intro5.jpg 10711022_549120051886406_934877254524596451_n_1.jpg that third one is every miku vn readers dream.that she be given a solid body, so she can call the first fan that fondles her rather flat chest (which, if you've read her vn made by supplement time, she's VEERRY self-conscious about, to the point where a single off color remarkabout her chest is gonna have her metal boobs shoved in the mcs face

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