PSLS E3 2014 Coverage- Questions, Comments, Suggestions

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
Hey everyone! E3 is right around the corner (if time had corners...) and we're getting ready to cover the event for you! We're booked up solid and have a ton of appointments, interviews, and other such madness planned for the week.

What we want to know is what you want to know! So let us know exactly what you would like see covered, what questions you want asked of developers, what interviews to push for, etc. and we will do everything we can to bring you the information that you want. Feel free to use this thread liberally to help shape the PSLS E3 experience.
In no particular order

1. any chance that we can get KH1.5 and/or KH 2.5 to vita
2. FF Type-0 release to the west
3. Update on FF15
4. Project Morpheus update
5. Any new vita game (not indies) in development from the west and/or Japanese game to be localized.
6. AAA exclusives for ps4 (not the upgraded versions of ps3 games)
7. will there be a significant jump towards ps4 support and less support for the ps3
8. ps now release date worldwide
1. Will Far Cry 4 have a Collector's Ed, and more info in general. 2. Why Sniper Elite III is not on the PS3? 3. Will the Evil Within have a Collector's Ed? 4. Will there be a new God of War game coming?
Any chance of a sequel for metal gear rising?
Release date for the new final fantasy?
Borderlands 3?
More ps4 exclusives?
What do I want to see from E3 coverage?
- If you must know, we all want Kaz and more Kaz.
- If you run into the people at Bandai Namco, you should ask them if they have plans to release any new Katamari games for PS4, because I miss them.
- Interviews with indie devs would be cool, too. Not anyone that we know about, I mean the people who nobody knows; give me some PS Mobile coverage!
- If Q-Games are there, ask Dylan Cuthbert how long it took him to learn Japanese.
- Those Media Molecule people are awesome, too.
- Teach us how to beg for a FFVII remake.
- Ask someone at Capcom if they still own Mega Man, or if that property belongs to Keiji Inafune. I think Mega Man has a place in the PSN ecosystem still, and Mighty Number 9 isn't going to have Proto Man.
I didn't see this thread before I wrote the Morning Wood breakdown this morning. Oops!

I've mostly given up on AAA exclusives, and I'm on a buying hiatus for Vita games. Until someone publishes another 9-10/10 title on Vita, I'm working on my backlog.
yeah got to catch up with all the ps+ games i got for the vita.

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