PSLS is Talking to Bungie About Destiny! Give Us Your Questions

Alex Co

Manila Ice
Staff member
Title says it all.

PSLS will have an exclusive interview with Bungie about Destiny. If you have a question you want to ask (provided it hasn't been answered yet), post it here and we'll pass it along.

Keep in mind that Bungie won't be able to answer anything story-related, and there might be questions it won't want to answer, which is beyond our control. But we'll, of course, try. =)
I was curious if they would have a way to trade items such as guns and armor.

Is there going to be any carry over from the beta? I was able to get some nice drops from the iron banner.
Would they ever consider additional maps, (outside the expansion packs) for co-op play if the game were to sell well?

Where did they get the idea for destiny?
My questions are the same as my PSLS companions ^.

Also can you make more limited editions? Seriously.

Can we expect to see a larger variety of enemies or will it be only a handful of them like in the beta?

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