The Official 'Get Heath Hindman on the PSLS Forums' Petition Thread

Wow. So I woke up today, saw an email about this and had to laugh my head off. The cockles of heart are warmed. My cockles are burning.

I don't know if I should feel welcome because of all the enthusiastic posts in this thread or if I should feel shallow because this is apparently what it took to drag me into the forums. I'll allow myself to believe the former. But since I'm already feeling shallow anyway, I'm gonna load up my signature with links to my own homepage, hell yeah!

(And now I'm really self-conscious. I... I hope I can live up to the hype this thread may have created. I have a brash, confident internet persona but I'm really kind of shy >_>. Welp, here we go....)
Wow. So I woke up today, saw an email about this and had to laugh my head off. The cockles of heart are warmed. My cockles are burning.

I don't know if I should feel welcome because of all the enthusiastic posts in this thread or if I should feel shallow because this is apparently what it took to drag me into the forums. I'll allow myself to believe the former. But since I'm already feeling shallow anyway, I'm gonna load up my signature with links to my own homepage, hell yeah!

(And now I'm really self-conscious. I... I hope I can live up to the hype this thread may have created. I have a brash, confident internet persona but I'm really kind of shy >_>. Welp, here we go....)
Finally!!! *applies staff badge to account*
Wow. So I woke up today, saw an email about this and had to laugh my head off. The cockles of heart are warmed. My cockles are burning.

I don't know if I should feel welcome because of all the enthusiastic posts in this thread or if I should feel shallow because this is apparently what it took to drag me into the forums. I'll allow myself to believe the former. But since I'm already feeling shallow anyway, I'm gonna load up my signature with links to my own homepage, hell yeah!

(And now I'm really self-conscious. I... I hope I can live up to the hype this thread may have created. I have a brash, confident internet persona but I'm really kind of shy >_>. Welp, here we go....)

Boooo! you're not living up to the hype! Come on, do something Heath related!
Heh, he said "cockles" that was worth the whole damn thing right there! :) (no I'm not really that juvenile....just really really tired as I write this)...zzZZ

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