Tiny Brains


PSLS Level: Bronze
Wondering if Tiny Brains is worth the purchase? It's a PS3/4 cross-buy game which is why I didn't put it in any specific console.

I'll be playing it on PS3 till i get a PS4, and looking to build out that cross-buy list with worthy titles.
The game is a much different experience in solo than it is in co-op. If you have people to play with than I say it is worth a purchase.If it's just you then I would pass.
It is a really short game but I honestly had so much fun playing online with friends. It was a real blast to just play the challenge levels, especially with mics on.
It is a really short game but I honestly had so much fun playing online with friends. It was a real blast to just play the challenge levels, especially with mics on.
I'm gonna buy it then. To play with Josh and my Wife, and maybe get lucky and have someone else to play with. It's on sale, and it'll be another (albeit not super high quality) game waiting for me when I get my PS4 that I can have fun with now.

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