Transformers: Rise Of The Dark Spark


PSLS Level: Silver
Did anyone pickup this game? I've heard great things about some of the past titles, and not so great things about other ones, so it seems hit or miss. Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on the game.
I am playing it eight now and it's ok. Has issues like the past ones where it freezes often.
I havent play it but IGN almost killed the game on the review. I dont let reviewers decide for me but that is the only info that I can share for now. Will talk to people and share what they think. Maybe I will play it someday. Who knows haha.
I havent play it but IGN almost killed the game on the review. I dont let reviewers decide for me but that is the only info that I can share for now. Will talk to people and share what they think. Maybe I will play it someday. Who knows haha.

Never buy a game based off of what critics say. You can miss out on a good game that way.

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