Vita 3.12 update is live

Thanks for the heads up!

There was an issue with 32gb memory cards crashing the Vita. You could not have the 32gb card in and it'd be fine. The moment you put it in the screen would go black. This is probably the fix for that.

(btw anyone notice the new dark blue version of the Vita's Store?)
Thanks for the heads up!

There was an issue with 32gb memory cards crashing the Vita. You could not have the 32gb card in and it'd be fine. The moment you put it in the screen would go black. This is probably the fix for that.

(btw anyone notice the new dark blue version of the Vita's Store?)
Awesome that they fixed it so promptly. I didn't have any issues with my 32GB card, but still glad they got it fixed.
There was an issue with 32gb memory cards crashing the Vita.
(btw anyone notice the new dark blue version of the Vita's Store?)

You know, if that 32gb memory card is causing an issue, I'll gladly trade you for four 8gb. I mean, that's FOUR for you and only one for me! What a deal!

And I noticed the different shade too. I was actually going in to set up some downloads when the 3.12 prompt hit me.
You know, if that 32gb memory card is causing an issue, I'll gladly trade you for four 8gb. I mean, that's FOUR for you and only one for me! What a deal!

And I noticed the different shade too. I was actually going in to set up some downloads when the 3.12 prompt hit me.
lol I don't have a 32gb myself. I had a 16 but upgraded to 64 back in october. Once I get my new computer set up I'll post some screens. I need to check but I believe I'm at the 100 app mark.
lol I don't have a 32gb myself. I had a 16 but upgraded to 64 back in october. Once I get my new computer set up I'll post some screens. I need to check but I believe I'm at the 100 app mark.
I'll give you the same deal even though it's a 64gb card. I'm feeling generous.

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