Vita Update 3.35 Releasing with PS4 2.00


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
PS Vita and PS TV – 3.35 update, Live From PlayStation
The PS Vita and PS TV systems will also receive a system software update to version 3.35 with the same timing as Masamune, adding four-player Remote Play support to PS TV. In addition, the Live from PlayStation app, which allows users to watch live gameplay streams from PS4 systems, will be available on both PS Vita and PS TV alongside this update
Very cool update that adds a lot f Vita and PSTV, but more media apps are sorely needed.
Im rather content with Vita updates at this point. Would like to see far more apps & compatibility issues resolved with the PS TV though.

Also, MORE THEMES!! We needz a Sword Art Online theme, Persona & a Danganronpa theme!!
Im rather content with Vita updates at this point. Would like to see far more apps & compatibility issues resolved with the PS TV though.

Also, MORE THEMES!! We needz a Sword Art Online theme, Persona & a Danganronpa theme!!

Apps don't really matter to me but I would love to see more apps.
Im rather content with Vita updates at this point. Would like to see far more apps & compatibility issues resolved with the PS TV though.

Also, MORE THEMES!! We needz a Sword Art Online theme, Persona & a Danganronpa theme!!

yes themes please!!! ::begs::

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