Your Favorite Trophies

That game was fucking brill, man! I consider it to be criminally underrated (because it had to follow the release of The Last of Us).

If I ever finish the platinum for Katamari Forever, then that will be my favorite.
The playing with shit trophy from Duke Nukem was awesome! Hahaha I got another one in South Park!
I wouldn't say that I've had fun getting this trophy or that I ever will due to the amount of dedication it takes, but The "Truly Awesome!" trophy from Rayman Legends will be the hardest I've ever worked for one. Its gotten to the point where I dread coming home from work because I hate playing this game.

I give kudos to Sony though. The rubber grips on the sticks are garbo but the DS4 is pretty durable aside from them. I can't tell you the amount of times I've thrown my controller in frustration. But I've come too far to stop. It must be unlocked. I just might be one controller short by the end of this journey.
That depends what you mean by favorite trophies. There are my most difficult trophies and the ones that I found to be the funniest.

Most Difficult - would probably be some of the Sound Shapes trophies for the Death Mode levels were pretty difficult.

Funniest - Carbon Faceprint in CoD Ghosts. Several of the Deadpool trophies. OMGWTFBBQ in Resistance 2.
That depends what you mean by favorite trophies. There are my most difficult trophies and the ones that I found to be the funniest.

Most Difficult - would probably be some of the Sound Shapes trophies for the Death Mode levels were pretty difficult.

Funniest - Carbon Faceprint in CoD Ghosts. Several of the Deadpool trophies. OMGWTFBBQ in Resistance 2.

I forgot how funny the deadpool trophies were, those were great.
I forgot how funny the deadpool trophies were, those were great.
The game is fantastic. I plan on joining Gamefly again, and working my way through the game. It's an awesome title, and me literally LOL on several occasions. If you are a fan of Deadpool, the game definitely does the character justice I think.
My favorite trophies are probably my Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Skyrim platinum trophies. These are some of my favorite games ever.
The game is fantastic. I plan on joining Gamefly again, and working my way through the game. It's an awesome title, and me literally LOL on several occasions. If you are a fan of Deadpool, the game definitely does the character justice I think.
You liked Deadpool? I am curious about that game. I avoided it because Cameron said he didn't... oh... wait. nevermind, I'll go pick it up.
You liked Deadpool? I am curious about that game. I avoided it because Cameron said he didn't... oh... wait. nevermind, I'll go pick it up.
LOL. I could've swore Cameron said that it was worthy of a play through of because of the humor. The game is at least worthy of a rent IMO.

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