Im gonna buy Tokyo Jungle to see the animals kill each other lol. I dont know what else. Any suggestions? I saw the Jurassic Park Game but I dont know but hey I dont think I can find it lower than 99 cents haahahah. Also I downloaded the demo for Faction something I dont remember somethin about tanks. I might give it a try.
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My damn nostalgia wouldn't let me pass on picking up all the Crash and Spyro games. Also had to pick up stuntman because I remember renting that game or playing a demo and liking it but not enough to pay full price. Gotta love 99 cent deals.
If you got time, let me know how is Jurassic Park. I loved the movies.
I know the game is made by Telltale games, so it should be similar to The Walking Dead and the Back To The Future titles. But once I get a chance I will try to post some impressions, and maybe even a mini review in the Community Reviews section ;)
I know the game is made by Telltale games, so it should be similar to The Walking Dead and the Back To The Future titles. But once I get a chance I will try to post some impressions, and maybe even a mini review in the Community Reviews section ;)

Yeah. I did not know that part about Telltale Games. I hope to see the review :)
Not sure why, but I just bought Braid, Back to the Future, Tokyo Jungle and Tales of Monkey Island. I also picked up LEGO Lord of the Rings for some reason, damn sales always get me.
Just finished the first part of episode 1, so my hands on isn't complete by any real standards. But, I will say that the game is worth 99 cents, but only if you are a fan of the Monkey Island games. The original charm is there, but sadly becomes diminished by its terrible 3D models and clunky animations. Many of the choice options that we would come to expect are there, and voiced fairly well, but much like the rest of the game, it seems that each attempt at modernizing a game like this has just pushed it away from the heart of the original for mixed results.
MMM okay. Sometimes some games are not as good as previous ones because they try to do that modernization on them. I know.

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