Picked up Jurassic Park, Tales of Monkey Island, Back to the Future (sad, no plat on digital version...), and Tokyo Jungle (Remote play supported!!).
I owned the majority of these so the only games I passed on are the Red Faction Battlegrounds and World Gone Sour, but I ended up grabbing a total of 8 games.

Because $.99 cents

  1. Braid
  2. Retro/Grade
  3. echochrome ii
  4. Urban Trial Freestyle
  5. Gex: Enter the Gecko (PS1)
  6. Red Faction (PS2)
  7. Red Faction 2 (PS2)
  8. Stuntman: Ignition (PS2)
I owned the majority of these so the only games I passed on are the Red Faction Battlegrounds and World Gone Sour, but I ended up grabbing a total of 8 games.

Because $.99 cents

  1. Braid
  2. Retro/Grade
  3. echochrome ii
  4. Urban Trial Freestyle
  5. Gex: Enter the Gecko (PS1)
  6. Red Faction (PS2)
  7. Red Faction 2 (PS2)
  8. Stuntman: Ignition (PS2)
Oh come on! You didn't want the Sour Patch Kids game?? Seems like a winner to me! /Sarcasm
Oh come on! You didn't want the Sour Patch Kids game?? Seems like a winner to me! /Sarcasm
The Sourpatch Kids game isn't actually that bad. I beat it yesterday and would have no problem recommending it at $0.99 (not for $5 though). Is it a great game? No, but it's a solid platformer.

I also just happened to buy a pack of Sourpatch Kids on Saturday too...
Finished Jurassic Park this afternoon. Really fun game with a great story... a little unpolished compared to The Walking Dead, but still lots of fun. I can't wait to start Back to the Future.
The Sourpatch Kids game isn't actually that bad. I beat it yesterday and would have no problem recommending it at $0.99 (not for $5 though). Is it a great game? No, but it's a solid platformer.

I also just happened to buy a pack of Sourpatch Kids on Saturday too...
I stand corrected then! :)
For some reason I keep confusing The Sourpatch Kids, with The Garbage Pale Kids - which I think would make that game better, if only slightly.
I only got Tokyo Jungle. I wanted to see how it compared to Tokyo Jungle Mobile which I had for a while now. While it's not a bad game at all, I prefer TJM overall.

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