

PSLS Level: Bronze
I saw a post about this on Reddit and I'm kinda wondering if it may be making a comeback.

Agent was announced/revealed back at E3 2009 with little but a logo at the Sony Press Conference.

Agent takes players on a paranoid journey into the world of counter-intelligence, espionage and political assassinations during the height of the Cold War at the end of the 1970's.
It since has essentially turned into vaporware. The odd thing is, it still is present on the Rockstar website and recently, as of July last year, was renewed for Trademarks.

Crackpot theory here, but could we see the Sony exclusive revived? And make an appearance at E3?

Rockstar does not typically make an appearance at E3, however there have been rumors of them making an appearance this year. GTA V on next gen seems to be the obvious answer. But maybe... just maybe... pretty please?
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From what I've scoured from the Internet over the years, Agent is Max Payne meets James Bond in the Cold War.
My guess is that it was shelved for some time and they are just keeping it optioned until they decide to go forward or ultimately cancel/sell it off. Keeping the rights to the trademark is worth the price just to keep an established name even if it isn't being used right away. I hope we do see it in the future, but I doubt we will see it this year.

Hopefully I am wrong though.
More fuel!
In an earnings call today, it was confirmed that Rockstar is working on a next gen title for release this fiscal year.

Okay, may not actually point to Agent... but lets just say it does?
That was the obvious thought. I'm still just holding out hope for Agent, even though I know how unrealistic it may be.
Oh don't get me wrong. I want the game too, but everyone knows Rockstar will take as long as they need for the game to be absolutely perfect. And I'm completely ok with that.
I'm hoping for Agent for two reasons: 1) It would be awesome, and 2) It will mean that the game they are working on isn't GTA V for PS4....

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