An Observation Regarding Trophy Percentages


PSLS Level: Bronze
One neat feature about the PS4 is that it shows the percent of players who achieved a given trophy. Before I begin, I must confess: I went for a cheap platinum a la Terminator Salvation. I just completed my first and last play-through, and I can say that that, by far, was the easier, cheesiest, and all-around worst platinum that is out there. That aside, I was glossing over the trophy data on the PS4 and have drawn this conclusion:

preface: for those who don't know, acquiring the trophies is pretty much sequential without any side quests (kill x enemies), save for the final two difficult-related trophies.

86.7% of all people who booted up the game completed the first chapter. So basically, 13.3% of the people who started playing declared, "Fuck this, not even worth my time." And rightfully so. I still find that funny, and a surprisingly large number considering the relative ease of the opening levels.

Click me!

As you can see from the graph, there's a steady decline until the 5th chapter, where it starts to even out, dropping to just under half for chapter 7, and a evening out for 8 and 9. All in all, 48.3% of people who played the game completed it, which isn't too bad considering today's supposed standards. When you take away the 13.3% who gave up early on, a 35% drop-out rate over the course of the game would be a pretty good score for even a high-school.

I remember a completion percentage article that was going around, using data from Steam. I'm surprised nobody has really dove into this source of information.

So what do you guys make of it? No, not just Terminator Salvation.
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I've always been fascinated by the number of people that don't get past the first couple of minutes of a game.

For example: Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory has a trophy for just starting a new game. Literally, all you need to do is get past the start screen. According to PSN profiles, 95.25% of people have this trophy. So... 4.75% of people loaded up the start screen, decided against wanting to play this game, and turned their PS3 off...
I've always been fascinated by the number of people that don't get past the first couple of minutes of a game.

For example: Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory has a trophy for just starting a new game. Literally, all you need to do is get past the start screen. According to PSN profiles, 95.25% of people have this trophy. So... 4.75% of people loaded up the start screen, decided against wanting to play this game, and turned their PS3 off...

I will be the first to admit to doing stuff like this. If you check out my trophy list the majority of my games look just like this. And its not because I do not want to play the game but because i do. However I used to get a game and pop it in, especially if its an open/used game from GameStop/Gamefly/AWD. I usually make sure it works and see if it instantly grabs my attention to skip to the top of my playing list (most games do not, however some do).

However my backlog is so massive I really try to focus on playing as few games as possible now a days (so I can actually finish them), which is a tough battle owning every major console, handhelds, and a gaming pc :oops:. Some games I am playing just seem fall off for some reason or another because I get side tracked into other games or i get bored and need to come back and revisit. I dropped a lot of games with the PS4 and XBO came out for obvious reasons and I am trying to go back and work them into rotation again.
I understand what @Vinomen is saying about making sure your games work and all, but what is the excuse for this?
That's from Guilty Gear XX ^Core Plus R on Vita. You get that trophy for turning on the game. You get it at the fucking menu in the beginning. You don't even have to play the game to get this trophy. How are there people who didn't get it?
i never understood why a trophy percentage is so important to a person, i mean shouldn't one be happy that they just got said trophy period?
i never understood why a trophy percentage is so important to a person, i mean shouldn't one be happy that they just got said trophy period?
They're just statistics. They mean nothing to a lot of people, but others think it's fun to point out the patterns in them. I'm just wondering why someone turned on Guilty Gear for Vita, and then they turned it off before they ever started playing. 0.84% of the people who played that game did that, and it doesn't make any sense to me. That trophy should be a 100%.
I looked at some games.

Sly cooper has almost 1/3 with the platinum.

Walking Dead has about the same amount.

So people are more likely to get a platinum if the game doesn't just suck horribly. XD

Ironically the Buzz Quiz T.V. game had a glitch that let you unlock all trophies, and the completion on that was 0.6 for the platinum. I know the glitch existed because I bought the video games DLC pack and there were no instructions on how to access it, so I thought maybe it didn't install right, and tinkered with it for 2 hours, and then suddenly all the trophies popped. o_O

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