Do you revisit a game after completion/platinum?

Do you revisit a game after you achieve the platinum trophy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
I really wish I had more time to revisit past games. I keep meaning to go back and replay the SNES and PS1/PS2 greats of my youth but I just never find the time in between work, my daughter, my wife, my korean dramas, and PSLS reviews.

I don't always play them. I can set them aside for a new title I have been wanting to play. Or hit the pause button (or turn off the console) when the family needs me. Kids are pretty demanding. I do tend to find time to play though. They go outside and don't want Dad with them. And the girlfriend just wants some alone time or to watch a show I am in no way interested in. I certainly understand you not being able to play everything you had wanted to in the past. I find myself thankful for the free time I made while in school. Before the enslavement of adult life. A happy enslavement. ;)
well i only have 2 playtinum trophies. (walking dead & ffx) and i have revisited both of them, but not so much

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