Assassins Creed Unity


PSLS Level: Newbie

I still have until tomorrow to pick up my Gamestop pre order and from what i'm seeing here I don't think it would be worth it.

Anyone come across these problems?
I have really enjoyed the game. It has been buggy at times but nothing unlike most new releases (that I can think of); the campaign is a blast and although I don't think it's "Black Flag" status ("Black Flag" might be my favorite video game of all time; closely followed by the Far Cry series), I think it's worth retail.
Yeah I believe at this point I will pick up the game but I haven't seen fps issues that bad in a long time.
I have really enjoyed the game. It has been buggy at times but nothing unlike most new releases (that I can think of); the campaign is a blast and although I don't think it's "Black Flag" status ("Black Flag" might be my favorite video game of all time; closely followed by the Far Cry series), I think it's worth retail.
Welcome to the forums, @johnnybeegoode! Black Flag is my favorite game from the AC series, though I've admittedly only played 3 of them.

I don't plan to pick up AC: Unity, but the guy who keeps trolling @Chandler Wood in random comment threads about his review on PSLS is hilarious.
Welcome to the forums, @johnnybeegoode! Black Flag is my favorite game from the AC series, though I've admittedly only played 3 of them.

I don't plan to pick up AC: Unity, but the guy who keeps trolling @Chandler Wood in random comment threads about his review on PSLS is hilarious.

I completely disagree with that review but i'm not going to be a crab about it I just disagree with it. Finished the game a few weeks ago and the ending is horrible, story is barely tolerable but the gameplay is fun and co op was great. I'm not reviewer but I would have given it a 7.
I completely disagree with that review but i'm not going to be a crab about it I just disagree with it. Finished the game a few weeks ago and the ending is horrible, story is barely tolerable but the gameplay is fun and co op was great. I'm not reviewer but I would have given it a 7.

I wish more people would take your approach.
I wish more people would take your approach.

I don't see why it has to be uncommon, if people didn't like the review they should have just said disagree give the reason they disagree and move on. I don't understand why reviews have to be a circus.

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