Beyond Two Souls

I remember when it was announced that beyond two souls would be released on disc only first and everybody who was waiting for the game, got pissed because it wasn't a day one digital. Well it's finally downloadable, so is everyone happy now? No more complaining?
How do people feel about this game? It's been in my shopping cart for a while now. I've heard mixed reviews so I'm hesitant to pull the trigger.
How do people feel about this game? It's been in my shopping cart for a while now. I've heard mixed reviews so I'm hesitant to pull the trigger.

Personally i thought the game was very fun and a unique experience. It had a great story, and has 24 different endings. The gameplay is simple and fun, and even some of the trophies were fun to get. Personally i think the "professional critics" didn't even give the game a chance. One critic, her review was just a description of one of the commercials. Ya, pro critics can really be trusted -_-

My recommendation, rent, (or borrow if a friend has it), the game and give it a try. U might like it.
I enjoyed it, in terms of a cinematic experience, it is nearly unmatched. Making the decisions will lead you down vastly different paths, as my wife and i had very different playthrough experiences.
as a "true gamer" you should've either:
already played the game
play the game even if it doesn't show up on playstation now.

Jacky, go troll somewhere else. I'm not required to play every game ever made to qualify as a True Gamer. Seriously, don't be trying and starting arguments in the forums.
Jacky, go troll somewhere else. I'm not required to play every game ever made to qualify as a True Gamer. Seriously, don't be trying and starting arguments in the forums.

I'm not trying to, and I'm not a troll. don't get upset because I don't agree with you on something. I know you have to have the last word on everything. if you don't want to play it, fine. but you obviously never had any interest in it in the first place, if you aren't even willing to try and rent or borrow it.
you take things way to seriously and to personal. do me a favor, if you want to try and turn this into an argument, which you seem to want to, message me. don't clog up the actual thread.
I'm not trying to, and I'm not a troll. don't get upset because I don't agree with you on something. I know you have to have the last word on everything. if you don't want to play it, fine. but you obviously never had any interest in it in the first place, if you aren't even willing to try and rent or borrow it.
you take things way to seriously and to personal. do me a favor, if you want to try and turn this into an argument, which you seem to want to, message me. don't clog up the actual thread.

You were directly trolling me with your snide remark about a "true gamer." Quit dodging it, man up, and admit it. Obviously I do want to rent it if I'm wanting it to come out on PlayStation Now. Seriously man, just quit while you still have a hint of dignity.
You were directly trolling me with your snide remark about a "true gamer." Quit dodging it, man up, and admit it. Obviously I do want to rent it if I'm wanting it to come out on PlayStation Now. Seriously man, just quit while you still have a hint of dignity.

you have my response, as I said if you have a problem with what I said. take it to me directly. not the thread.
you have my response, as I said if you have a problem with what I said. take it to me directly. not the thread.

If you wanted to share personal opinions, you would have done so via PM. You didn't. Everything is pretty evident, so I'm done here. Enjoy your day.
I suggest gamefly considering how long it took them to put it on the PSN. I think a person like you would like Beyond 2 Souls

Not sure "what a person like you" means, but cool. I may do that. I primarily want it on Now because I no longer have the PS3. Like a fool, I expected Sony to have the wisdom to let us play digital titles from the past on the PS4. Shows me for putting too much faith in the future.
Not sure "what a person like you" means, but cool. I may do that. I primarily want it on Now because I no longer have the PS3. Like a fool, I expected Sony to have the wisdom to let us play digital titles from the past on the PS4. Shows me for putting too much faith in the future.
A person like you.... A gamer in general
The reviews for Beyond Two Souls are very wrong. The game is very good, fun, good story and deep in feelings and emotions. You should play it. You wont regret it I think. I got the Limited Edition from the pre order and it is one of my precious games that I will never trade in. I cannot say that for a lot of games.

Resident Evil, God of War, Dead Space, AC, Dark Souls, The Last of Us, Metal Gear, Uncharted, Devil May Cry. Those games are not going to be traded. For me they are my favorites and no game can replace them. All other games I can live without but those are important to me. They have been with me since my childhood, excluding TLOU and Beyond TS.

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