Beyond Two Souls

I still hope to play this game, but I will wait for the price to drop some more.
I'm in the same boat man. With as big as my backlog is, I can't justify paying $30+ for an unknown. If it were to drop just a couple more bucks, I'd pull the trigger. But 30 isn't appealing to me.
I might go this weekend on a quest to find cheap games in the Buy 2 get 1 that is currently going on GameStop.
I'm in the same boat man. With as big as my backlog is, I can't justify paying $30+ for an unknown. If it were to drop just a couple more bucks, I'd pull the trigger. But 30 isn't appealing to me.

you try playing the demo, or looking up gameplay? just a suggestion.
This game is clearly a 9, what is up with you guys and your terrible reviews? /whinewhinewhine

Anyone who doesn't have it, pull the trigger. If you're like me and didn't want to bother with all of the schematics of the controls that Quantic Dream loves to implement, download the app for your smartphone to use your phone as a controller. I'll also add that I was able to use the app on my Android tablet.

I hate everything, yet I loved this game. The characters and the story were so well done. I would highly recommend it.
This game was clearly released at the absolute wrong time. I think all of the hype from The Last of Us is what hindered it from being more successful. I would easily recommend this as a console seller.
Story was a bit bland. It can't touch Heavy Rain but Beyond: Two Souls' "cinematics" were outstanding!

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