Dead Space Free


PSLS Level: Silver
EA's Origin service is giving away Dead Space away for free for a limited time with their Origin service. Simply register and login, and it will be listed under the "On The House" section.
The PC version of the first Dead Space was seriously fucked the last time I checked, some sort of problem with V-sync. I wonder if the Origin version fixed this
The PC version of the first Dead Space was seriously fucked the last time I checked, some sort of problem with V-sync. I wonder if the Origin version fixed this
Not sure honestly. I just began to download it on Origin, then cancelled it for now. Free is free. Awesome that they are giving it away. But if there were bugs, yeah I definitely hope they are addressed, though I'm not sure I'll ever play the game, it scares the hell out of me. :p
Not sure honestly. I just began to download it on Origin, then cancelled it for now. Free is free. Awesome that they are giving it away. But if there were bugs, yeah I definitely hope they are addressed, though I'm not sure I'll ever play the game, it scares the hell out of me. :p
Supposedly there's something wrong with the aiming, there should be a couple of fixes online if anything. Have you played it before? It's pretty much Resident Evil 4 in space
Supposedly there's something wrong with the aiming, there should be a couple of fixes online if anything. Have you played it before? It's pretty much Resident Evil 4 in space
Yes I've played the first one. Scared the crap out of me. I've never been into horror games or survival ones that have scary elements. I will watch them be played, but I just don't enjoy playing the games myself. When me and @Steevo were roommates in college he was always playing Siren. Never played it myself, because the game scared the hell out of me.

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