Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

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Thanks PSLS for the code!! If anyone sees Azurewrathxi ingame just jump repeatedly in front of me. I'll know! :D
thanks for the opportunity! I don't have any creative, nor pitiful reasons to try to bid for the code giveaway. I did played the alpha but still I'm not sure about buying the game. I would like an opportunity at the beta too see how far Bungie is willing to show on the game since alpha, hoping to finally find that tiny "thing" hiding away which prevents me from pre-ordering it right now.
Why would I want a beta key? My question why wouldn't I? In all seriousness looking for a beta online is hard work lol. I have come across you guys and have liked what I've seen. I just want a beta so I can get a taste of something fresh. If all seems good then Bungie will definitely see me and my nephews money in September. Thanks in advance. If not, well, I'll get over it ha
i would like a beta code merely to see how the game is coming along,, and testing it out to see if I for sure want to make it a day 1 purchase. I think the game looks great so far and feel that this one of the games that I would love to play and play quite a bit. Thx for the giveaway !
Found the right thread! But more on topic, I want a beta code because I would love the opportunity to play Destiny, especially with a group of other playstation lifestylers. Also, I deserve it because in my excitement to participate in this giveaway, I posted in the completely wrong thread. You might be thinking that doesn't sound like something that deserves rewarding....but isn't it though?
Thanks again for the opportunity to win a beta code for Destiny. I've always been an avid gamer and in particular am quite fond of RPG's and FPS's, and PSLS most of all. I've been following PS news on this site since the early days. Anyways, as for why I want the code, the reason is simple and that is to help Bungie improve upon the game experience of course! I'm not sure that I deserve a code anymore than the next guy, but hell why not try right? Games are a passion that I've had throughout my entire life and when I graduate with my COSC degree in December, I'm hoping to eventually be involved in game development at some point, so beta testing and that go pretty much hand in hand, plus from what I've seen so far Destiny looks like it's going to be quite an interesting game.
i am a big fan of Halo series and Bungie and i would love to play Destiny and have a unique experience. i am also a game reviewer and i can write one so the other people can get information on the game.

PS: i'm logging in the forum via my facebook account, is there any chance you can't send me a code? because i posted on the first page of this thread and i still don't have a code while the others after me already have it.
Already made a post in this thread. But saw on twitter that more codes are on the way. So reposting to be sure that I am in for a chance to win
I comment here i realy want this beta i hope to have a chance to play it !! Thanks for the opportunity. :)
okay, i missed my chance to enter the alpha, i signed up but it was to late, i have been waiting for the alpha for 3 months, i was watching youtube videos of the alpha gameplay, now the beta is coming i dont want to miss this one at all, i dont want to wach youtube gameplays of the destiny beta, i want to finally post a video of me playing the destiny beta! im a huge fan and this is a big opportunity for me but only you guys can fulfill this opportunity, this game is awsome and i really want to participate, thanks hopefully i get into the beta!! :D
Well, I am a Playstation fan and haven't played the Halo series at all yet. I wanted to try out Destiny to see what Bungie is made of overall in this game. If I'm able to play the game, and I want to go back to buy a 360 or get an Xbox One to make a comparison between the Halo and Destiny game.
I need a destiny beta code because I need to experience this amazing game on my ps4, I would be very grateful playstation lifestyle!
-Destiny is definitely already my vote for Game of the Year. I hope that I am granted the ability to participate in the creation of such a grand game through the beta. Such a shame that gamestop is no longer giving out beta codes with the pre-orders. I can't wait to receive that Ghost edition though.
-I feel like I deserve a beta code because I want this game to be my first experience with the next gen consoles on the PS4. Playstation lifestyle would be the bridge that connects the next generation of play and the ps4. GREATNESS WAITS.
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